
- TeknoGötterdämmerung
- Manifestations Nocturnes
- Escouade Pro-émeute
- Diesel City
- Cypher Rangers
- Hasardeuse Victoire
- Androids Dreaming of Silicon Trees
- Toxic Metropolis
- La Loi Spéciale
- Le Matricule De La Bête VIP
- The Rainmaker
- Coup D'État
- Quickman's Force Beam Abyss
- Flashman's Glass Prison
- Airman's Flying Citadel
- Woodman's Forest Labyrinth
- Bubbleman's Subaqueous Stronghold
- Blue Bomber Boss Battle
- Heatman's Conflagrant Tunnels
- Overture
- Dr. Wily's Fortress
- Crashman's Cantakerous Space Elevator
- Total Eclipse Of The Heart
- The PassWord Is
- Metalman's Crushing Mechanisms
- Airman’s Flying Citadel
- Flashman’s Glass Prison
- Quickman’s Force Beam Abyss
- Woodman’s Forest Labyrinth
- Dr. Wily’s Fortress
- Heatman’s Conflagrant Tunnels
- Crashman’s Cantakerous Space Elevator
- Metalman’s Crushing Mechanisms
- Bubbleman’s Subaqueous Stronghold