Andrew Lloyd Webber Songtexte
Das Phantom der Oper
The Phantom of the Opera
The Music of the Night
Memory (from "Cats")
Starlight Express: Du allein
Geboren am 22. März 1948
Cats (Soundtrack)
- Ouvertüre
- Prologue : Chants jalupates pour chats jalupates
- Comment appeler un chat ?
- Invitation au bal des jalupates
- Amelie Ron Ron
- Rocky Tam-Tam
- Grisabelle, lady glamour
- Monsieur Bustopher Jones
- Les deux complices (Mungo Jerry et Rumpleteazer)
- Le vieux Mathusalem
- La bataille légendaire entre les pékinois et les loulous / La marche des loulous de banlieue
- La Chanson des Jalupates
- La Chanson de Grisabelle 1
- Inni Jellicle Per Gatti Jellicle
- Come Dare Il Nome Ad Un Gatto
- Jennytuttapois
- Ram Tam Taggher
- Grisabella La Grande Star
- Ciccio Gourmet (von James Corden)
- Mangojerry & Zampalesta
- Deuteronomio
- Momenti Di Felicitá
- Gis ll Gatto Del Teatro
- L'Ultima Battaglia Di Gattigre - Parte I
- La Ballata Di Billy M'Caw
- L'Ultima Battaglia Di Gattigre - Parte II
- Gis Il Gatto Del Teatro (Represa)
- Sghemboexpress Il Gato Ferroviere (von Reed Jones)
- Macavity Il Gato Del Mistero
- Il Magico Mister Mistofeles
- Ricordi
- Viaggio Versio Il Dolce Aldillá
- Come Parlare Ad Un Gatto
Cats (Soundtrack)
- Overture
- Prologue: Jellicle Songs for Jellicle Cats
- The Naming of Cats
- The Invitation to the Jellicle Ball
- The Old Gumbie Cat
- The Rum Tum Tugger
- Grizabella
- Bustopher Jones
- Mungojerrie and Rumpleteazer
- Old Deuteronomy
- The Jellicle Ball (von David Firman)
- Grizabella, the Glamour Cat
- Memory (von Elaine Paige)
Cats (Soundtrack)
- Prologue: Jellicle Songs for Jellicle Cats
- Solo Dance
- The Old Gumbie Cat
- The Rum Tum Tugger (von Terrence Mann)
- Mungojerrie and Rumpleteazer
- Old Deuteronomy
- The Jellicle Ball
- Grizabella (von Betty Buckley, Wendy Edmead & Donna King)
- Gus: The Theatre Cat (von Bonnie Simmons & Stephen Hanan)
- Skimbleshanks: The Railway Cat (von Reed Jones)
- Macavity: The Mystery Cat (von Wendy Edmead, Donna King, Héctor Jaime Mercado, Kenneth Ard & Harry Groener)
- Mr. Mistoffelees
- Memory (von Cynthia Onrubia & Betty Buckley)
- The Journey to the Heaviside Layer
- The Ad‐Dressing of Cats (von Ken Page)