Power House, Volume 2 (Compilation)
- Ah! Sweet Mystery of Life (von Ambrose and His Orchestra)
- The Donkey Serenade (von Ambrose and His Orchestra)
- It's Home (von Ambrose and His Orchestra)
- B'Wanga (von Ambrose and His Orchestra)
- Serenade in the Night (von Ambrose and His Orchestra)
- When the Poppies Bloom Again (von Ambrose and His Orchestra)
- The Lady in Red (von Ambrose and His Orchestra)
- Dodging a Divorcee (von Ambrose and His Orchestra)
- Peter's Pop Keeps a Lollipop Shop (von Ambrose and His Orchestra)
- Music in May (von Ambrose and His Orchestra)
- Memphis Blues (von Ambrose and His Orchestra)
- Streamline Strut (von Ambrose and His Orchestra)
- The Miller's Daughter, Marianne (von Ambrose and His Orchestra)
- Ali Baba (von Ambrose and His Orchestra)
- Lovely to Look At (von Ambrose and His Orchestra)
- Toy Trumpet (von Ambrose and His Orchestra)
- Ten Pretty Girls (von Ambrose and His Orchestra)
- Muchacha (von Ambrose and His Orchestra)
- If I Had a Million Dollars (von Ambrose and His Orchestra)
- Lament for Congo (von Ambrose and His Orchestra)
- I Got Love (von Ambrose and His Orchestra)
- Twilight in Turkey (von Ambrose and His Orchestra)
- Willow Weep for Me (von Ambrose and His Orchestra)
- Embassy Stomp (von Ambrose and His Orchestra)
- Punch and Judy Show (von Ambrose and His Orchestra)
Mehr Songtexte

- Nowwhere No. 35
- Another Place
- Finally
- Shine
- In Every Word
- A Secret
- Hodie - Magnificat Antiphon, Second Vespers
- Beneditus es - Ember Saturday of Advent
- Creator Alme Siderum
- Ad te levavi - Introit, First Sunday of Advent
- A solis ortus cardine - Lauds
- Laetentur caeli - Offertory, Midnight Mass at Christmas
- Te Lucis
- O Magnum Mysterium - Responsary at Matins
- Rorate caeli desuper - Introit, Fourth Sunday of Advent
- Rorate Caeli desuper - Antiphon
- Puer natus est - Introit, Mass of Christmas Day
- Hodie Scietis - Gradual for Christmas Eve Mass
- Ecce Virgo - Communion Antiphon, Fourth Sunday of Advent
- Ave Maria - Fourth Sunday of Advent
- Alma Redemptoris Mater - Compline
- In Splendoribus - Communion, Midnight Mass at Christmas
- Jesu Redemptor - Christmas, Second Vespers
- Dicite - Communion Antiphon, Third Sunday in Advent
- Gaudete in Domino - Introit, Third Sunday in Advent
- Alleluia, Crastina - for Christmas Eve Mass
- O Antiphons - Vespers of Advent, Magnificat
- Dominus Dixit - Introit, Midnight Mass at Christmas
- Lux fulgebit - Introit, Mass at Dawn