Krieg English translation
von Chaos Z
Krieg Lyrics Übersetzung
It's up to you not to follow the call
Why do you only ever do what you're told?
You've been brought up that way, but
Who knows the plans they have for you?
It's up to you not to follow the call
Thousands march into death
And those, who escape the bombs
Are decorated for every murder.
Don't support this sick system
Which is led by maniacs from a safe distance.
Just don't follow the call
Don't let yourself get caught up in their plans.
The elites, they want war
It's them, who are sitting safe at home
That's just a brutal urge
because of which thousands of others die.
The entire pack wants total victory
We've heard that before not too long ago
It really can only be insane people
Nationalism in a nuclear-war-dress.
But one thing, that's clear already
When they stick their noses out of their bunkers
Then they aren't hero and star anymore
Then they will die, too
So, why all of this work?
Arming up without any limits
To that, we only say this:
Destroy the weapons, not the people!
Why do you only ever do what you're told?
You've been brought up that way, but
Who knows the plans they have for you?
It's up to you not to follow the call
Thousands march into death
And those, who escape the bombs
Are decorated for every murder.
Don't support this sick system
Which is led by maniacs from a safe distance.
Just don't follow the call
Don't let yourself get caught up in their plans.
The elites, they want war
It's them, who are sitting safe at home
That's just a brutal urge
because of which thousands of others die.
The entire pack wants total victory
We've heard that before not too long ago
It really can only be insane people
Nationalism in a nuclear-war-dress.
But one thing, that's clear already
When they stick their noses out of their bunkers
Then they aren't hero and star anymore
Then they will die, too
So, why all of this work?
Arming up without any limits
To that, we only say this:
Destroy the weapons, not the people!
Writer(s): Tilman Fuerstenau, Kai Kohlschmidt, Chris Rakowski Hinze, Lars Neugebauer, Joerg Peter Salge Lyrics powered by
zuletzt bearbeitet von Jannis (winkenschurst) am 23. August 2023, 18:29