And These Pages Were All That Survived… / 18th of August 07: “Flower Image Forever (Dance of the Second Choice) / 21nd of August 07: “An Anticlimactic End to a Meaningless Non-Relationship”
And These Pages Were All That Survived… / 18th of August 07: “Flower Image Forever (Dance of the Second Choice) / 21nd of August 07: “An Anticlimactic End to a Meaningless Non-Relationship” Songtext
von Shorthand Phonetics
And These Pages Were All That Survived… / 18th of August 07: “Flower Image Forever (Dance of the Second Choice) / 21nd of August 07: “An Anticlimactic End to a Meaningless Non-Relationship” Songtext
»And These Pages Were All That Survived… / 18th of August 07: “Flower Image Forever (Dance of the Second Choice) / 21nd of August 07: “An Anticlimactic End to a Meaningless Non-Relationship”« gefällt bisher niemandem.
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