Thunderhead: O Vale Dre Breizh Izel (Travels Through Brittany) / The Snuff Wife / Kilbrandon / Dhamhsadh Coinnach ri Inghinn (Kenny's Dance with his Sweetheart) / Nach damhsadh am Minister (Would the Minister not Dance) / Thunderhead
Thunderhead: O Vale Dre Breizh Izel (Travels Through Brittany) / The Snuff Wife / Kilbrandon / Dhamhsadh Coinnach ri Inghinn (Kenny's Dance with his Sweetheart) / Nach damhsadh am Minister (Would the Minister not Dance) / Thunderhead Songtext
von Inveraray & District Pipe Band
Thunderhead: O Vale Dre Breizh Izel (Travels Through Brittany) / The Snuff Wife / Kilbrandon / Dhamhsadh Coinnach ri Inghinn (Kenny's Dance with his Sweetheart) / Nach damhsadh am Minister (Would the Minister not Dance) / Thunderhead Songtext
»Thunderhead: O Vale Dre Breizh Izel (Travels Through Brittany) / The Snuff Wife / Kilbrandon / Dhamhsadh Coinnach ri Inghinn (Kenny's Dance with his Sweetheart) / Nach damhsadh am Minister (Would the Minister not Dance) / Thunderhead« gefällt bisher niemandem.
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