
Heroes Don't Cry Songtext
von Free Spirit

Heroes Don't Cry Songtext

I still remember
those days of our innocence
rising clouds on horizon.

We laughed in the sun
how we use to sing for the moon
howling with wolves through the night.

Now I'm standing on ruins all alone
by the broken throne
just too defeated to cry.

We were abandoned by gods,
blinded by love.

Gore, for all the glory.
For the one without name
for the bringer of pain.
Home, when restless are waters,
I'll come like a hero and
heroes don't cry for love.

I still remember
the touch of my lover
the warmth of our spring morning sun.

And like a hero
I rose up against the storm.
Darling I thought I knew.

Now I'm standing ruins all alone
thinking about
how fortune favours the brave.
We were abandoned by gods,
blinded by love.

Gore, for all the glory.
For the one without name
for the bringer of pain.
Home, when restless are waters,
I'll come like a hero and
heroes don't cry for love.
We were abandoned by gods,
blinded by love.

Gore, for all the glory.
For the one without name
for the bringer of pain.
Home, when restless are waters,
I'll come like a hero and
heroes don't cry for love.

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