Same Sky, Same Ground Songtext
Same Sky, Same Ground Songtext
Out of reach infinite sky
So tantalizingly close
But we stand the same ground
I feel I can hold your hand
Do you understand the reason
that I look far up towards the sky
You do different things faraway
But the sky we see is the same
It′s kind of odd
Don't do anything
Just be next to me
No need for words
Cause our hearts are tied
with a very strong bond
We can look forward and go on
Don′t do anything
Just be next to me
No need for words
Found you in such a big world
If this happened by chance or necessity
So wonderful
So tantalizingly close
But we stand the same ground
I feel I can hold your hand
Do you understand the reason
that I look far up towards the sky
You do different things faraway
But the sky we see is the same
It′s kind of odd
Don't do anything
Just be next to me
No need for words
Cause our hearts are tied
with a very strong bond
We can look forward and go on
Don′t do anything
Just be next to me
No need for words
Found you in such a big world
If this happened by chance or necessity
So wonderful
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