
Contempt: The Zealot's Demise Songtext
von Existentialist

Contempt: The Zealot's Demise Songtext

Thy modern Christ,
Tears our wings like flies.
The disconnection of empathy.
Thy modern Christ,
Shattering our lives.
The disconnection of empathy,
Martyrs of nothing belittle me.
Thy modern gods of pious hypocrisy,
Carry the torches of archaic lunacy.
Your blindness disgusts me,
The Messiah of Misfeasance cowers away
As disciples beg for more bloodshed.
This is the chaos I-Am created,
Your prayers of despair have been neglected.
Ravaged look on in despair,
Wandering blindly as the black clouds your eyes.
Beg in disbelief,
Watch as the prophets weep,
How can you justify breathing in scriptures,
Re-shifted like Rakshasa.

Thy modern Christ,
Here to feed you nothing but lies.
Now you stand alone,
No thoughts of your own,
Consumed by the endless duplicity,
In the wake of this dispossession we welcome the pain,
Bring ego-death upon those who stand for nothing,
Eradicate every incognisant coward,
Enabling the opposition,
The perfect example of putridity has been displayed.
By those who sit back and watch,
As lives fall to the knee of immoral authority,
To keep their hands clean.
Bleed as you pray.
Bleed out as you pray for more indifference.
The zealots pay tribute blind to doctrine faults,
No more saviors to heed your cries,
This is how zealously dies.
Desolation, look on in despair,
Staggering blind, blackness has clouded your eyes.
In the wake of this dispossession we welcome the pain,
Witness the ecclesiarch flee,
Like rats from the sinking ship of lies.
Flames at their backs, burning the hands that guide you,
Murder each other to escape our wrath.
This is where zealously dies.
No more martyrs for me to despise.
Lead to the slaughter helplessly.
No more saviours to heed your cries,
Society falls to heresy
Zealously dies.

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