From the Heart of Jesus opened on the cross, the man with the new heart is born. Lord Jesus, give me a new heart made in the image of yours, infuse a new spirit in the depths of my being, that keeps me open to God, our Father, and available to those w ...
From the Heart of Jesus opened on the cross, the man with the new heart is born. Lord Jesus, give me a new heart made in the image of yours, infuse a new spirit in the depths of my being, that keeps me open to God, our Father, and available to those w ... Songtext
von El altar del holocausto
From the Heart of Jesus opened on the cross, the man with the new heart is born. Lord Jesus, give me a new heart made in the image of yours, infuse a new spirit in the depths of my being, that keeps me open to God, our Father, and available to those w ... Songtext
»From the Heart of Jesus opened on the cross, the man with the new heart is born. Lord Jesus, give me a new heart made in the image of yours, infuse a new spirit in the depths of my being, that keeps me open to God, our Father, and available to those w ...« gefällt bisher niemandem.
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