Chapter 34 (continued): “‘Oh, I’ve heard of worse,’ said Ford, ‘I read of one planet off in the seventh dimension that got used as a ball in a game of intergalactic bar billiards.’”
Chapter 34 (continued): “‘Oh, I’ve heard of worse,’ said Ford, ‘I read of one planet off in the seventh dimension that got used as a ball in a game of intergalactic bar billiards.’” Songtext
von Douglas Adams
Chapter 34 (continued): “‘Oh, I’ve heard of worse,’ said Ford, ‘I read of one planet off in the seventh dimension that got used as a ball in a game of intergalactic bar billiards.’” Songtext
»Chapter 34 (continued): “‘Oh, I’ve heard of worse,’ said Ford, ‘I read of one planet off in the seventh dimension that got used as a ball in a game of intergalactic bar billiards.’”« gefällt bisher niemandem.
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