
Bitte Helfen - 80's song

Bitte Helfen - 80's song

16. Jun 2015, 4:25:16

Entschuldigen Sie for using English. I am looking for the name/band of a song from the early 80‘s. Probably 81–84. Would really like to find mp3 or on cd. The refrain is “Alles das Ich kenne, baby Ich vergesse”. I can give you some more lyrics if needed. Thanks in advance for any help!

Re: Bitte Helfen - 80's song

16. Jun 2015, 19:58:04

too difficult for me ;-) can you give us some more text snippets? and some more info please: is the voice of the singer(s) high or low, male or a female – is there only one singer or more? slow and romantic or rather on the rocky side?

Re: Bitte Helfen - 80's song

20. Jun 2015, 21:05:05

Hi! Yes, thanks! It is male, a band I think, not a solo artist. More of a rock sound, not soft or a ballad. Lots of horns, like saxophones and others. There is also a line, something like “die zeitung zu lesen”.

Re: Bitte Helfen - 80's song

22. Jun 2015, 1:48:43

WOW Bine! You are amazing! That‘s it! I‘ve been looking for years! None of the links worked for me here in US, but I found it on YouTube. Thanks soooooo much!

Re: Bitte Helfen - 80's song

22. Jun 2015, 18:33:36

You‘re welcome, Jelleykat ;-)

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