Piano Rolls and Scores (Compilation)
- Dizzy Fingers
- The Red Lantern
- By the Waters of Minnetonka
- Novelette
- Waltz Mirage
- Greenwich Witch
- Afghanistan
- Kinda Careless
- Kitten on the Keys
- The Sheik of Araby
- Heaven's Garden
- Stumbling
- Jaywalk
- Tap Dance of the Chimes
- Humorestless
- That Thing Called Love
- Midsummer's Nightmare
- Tricks
- Coaxing the Piano
- Concert Etude
- My Pet
- Relaxation
- Fantasy of Today
Mehr Songtexte

- Meandering
- African Suite: I. High Hattin'
- African Suite: II. Kinda Careless
- African Suite: III. Mississippi Shivers
- Jay Walk
- Sparkling Waters
- Wise Cracker Suite: I. Yokel Opus
- Wise Cracker Suite: II. Mighty Lackawanna
- Wise Cracker Suite: III. The Sheriff's Lament
- Amazonia
- Blue Tornado
- Three Little Oddities: I. Impromptu
- Three Little Oddities: II. Romanza
- Three Little Oddities: III. Novelette
- Stumbling (Paraphrase)
- Moods of a New Yorker: I. At Dusk
- Moods of a New Yorker: II. Movie Ballet
- Moods of a New Yorker: III. Relaxation
- Moods of a New Yorker: IV. After Theatre (Tango)
- Rhythm Venture
- Fourth Dimension
- Three Little Oddities: Romanza
- Three Little Oddities: Impromptu
- Nickel in the Slot
- Three Little Oddities: Novelette
- You Tell ’em, Ivories
- Poor Buttermilk