Zbigniew Preisner Songtexte
I Hit Her Hard
Agnus Dei
Lux Aeterna
Dawn (L'aurore)
Geboren am 20. Mai 1955
Élisa (Soundtrack)
- Élisa (von Serge Gainsbourg)
- Nocturne II
- La Non‐Demande en mariage (von The Giants of Jazz)
- Another Christmas (von Paul Ives)
- House Fever (Skippy Dub) (von The Burger Queens)
- Psyche Rock (original version) (von Pierre Henry & Michel Colombier)
- She Doesn’t Wanna Go (von Drivin’ n’ Cryin’)
- Le Bateau
- Caruso (von Lucio Dalla feat. Luciano Pavarotti)
- La Folie
- Nocturne I
- Les Trois Iris (von Pierre Roussat)
- Le Dénicheur (von Émile Prud’homme)
- Retrospective
- Une lettre
- Élisa (instrumental version) (von Serge Gainsbourg)
Mehr Songtexte
- Tu viendras (La Double Vie de Véronique)
- L'Enfance (La Double Vie de Véronique)
- Van den Budenmayer - Concerto en mi mineur (version de 1798) (La Double Vie de Véronique)
- Les marionnettes (La Double Vie de Véronique)
- Van den Budenmayer - Funeral music (full orchestra) (Bleu)
- Julie - in her new apartment (Bleu)
- Olivier & Julie - Trial composition (Bleu)
- The Battle of Carnival and Lent II (Bleu)
- Song for the Unification of Europe (Julie's version) (Bleu)
- Lacrimosa - Day of Tears (Requiem for my friend)
- Jardin d'hiver
- Jardin d'été
- Conte d'amour
- Craven's Return
- Fashion Show I
- Weronika
- L'Enfance
- Van den Budenmayer Concerto en Mi mineur (version de 1798)
- Solitude
- Les Marionnettes
- Thème: 1re transcription
- L'Enfance II
- Thème: 2e transcription
- Concerto en Mi, Instrumentation contemporaine no. 1
- Concerto en Mi, Instrumentation contemporaine no. 2
- Van den Budenmayer Concerto en Mi mineur (version de 1802)
- Melodia Na Dzie? Dobry
- Zaduma
- Widzie? Wi?cej
- Rozmowa Z Samym Sob?
- Sztuka latania
- O przemijaniu
- Po?egnanie
- Ju? Gram
- Pozdrowienia z Pamalican
- Melodia na dobranoc
- Stephen
- Van den Budenmayer - Funeral Music
- Julie - Glimpses of Burial
- Reprise - First Appearance
- Reprise - Julie with Olivier
- Julie - In her new apartment
- Reprise - Julie on the Stairs
- Van den Budenmayer - Funeral Music (organ)
- Van den Budenmayer - Funeral Music (full orchestra)
- Reprise - Flute
- Olivier's Theme - Piano
- Olivier and Julie - Trial Composition
- Olivier's Theme - Finale
- Bolero - Trailer for "Red" Film
- Reprise - Organ
- Bolero - "Red" Film
- Officium
- Dies Irae
- Epitaphium
- The Beginning: Meeting
- The Beginning: Discovering the World
- The Beginning: Love
- Destiny: Kai Kairos
- Apocalypse: Ascende Huc
- Apocalypse: Veni et Vidi
- Apocalypse: Qui Erat et Qui Est
- Apocalypse: Lacrimosa - Day of Tears
- Postscriptum: Prayer
- A Good Morning Melody
- Meditation
- To See More
- Talking to Myself
- The Art of Flying
- About Passing
- Farewell
- A Tune a Day
- Greetings From Pamalican
- A Good Night Melody
- Dekalog I: I Am the Lord thy God
- Dekalog II: Thou shalt not take the name of the Lord thy God in vain
- Dekalog III: Honour the Sabbath Day
- Dekalog IV: Honour thy father and thy mother
- Dekalog V: Thou shalt not kill
- Dekalog V: Thou shalt not kill (12)
- Dekalog VI: Thou shalt not commit adultery
- Dekalog VII: Thou shalt not steal
- Dekalog VIII: Thou shalt not bear false witness
- Dekalog IX: Thou shalt not covet thy neighbor's wife
- Dekalog IX: Thou shalt not covet thy neighbor's wife (12)
- Dekalog IX: Thou shalt not covet thy neighbor's wife (13)
- ''Will You Marry Me?''
- Autumn (Con's Vision)
- Con's Death
- Paz E Amor (Peace and Love)
- Sirimbo (Jukebox 1)
- Não Tem Jeito Que de Jeito (No Way to Fix It)
- Encontro Fatal (Fatal Encounter)
- Sem Você Eu Não Sou Gente (I Am Nobody Without You)
- Alice & Micheal
- Ostatni bieg Basi
- Do polityka
- Już gram
- 11 Września 2001 r.
- Song for the Unification of Europe (Julie's version, film)
- Melodia na dzień dobry
- Rozmowa z samym sobą
- Wielka woda
- Do Not Take Another Man's Wife I
- 24 Grudnia każdego roku
- Miłość od pierwszego wejrzenia (Love at First Sight)
- Pożegnanie
- Treny Alef
- Noc
- Van den Budenmayer - Funeral Music (winds)
- Wędrowanie
- L'Amour au premier regard
- Widzieć więcej
- From The Abyss
- Lament
- Epitah
- In A Dark Hour
- In a Dark Hour / W szarą godzinę
- Apokalipsa: Lacrimosa - Czas Płaczu
- Apokalipsa: Wstąp Tutaj
- Apokalipsa: Który Był, Który Jest
- Postscriptum: Modlitwa
- Dream / Marzenie
- Apokalipsa: Przyszedłem I Ujrzałem
- Początek: Miłość
- From the Abyss / Z otchłani
- Początek: Odkrywanie Świata
- Przeznaczenie: Kai Kairós - Jest Czas
- Początek: Spotkanie
- Epitah / Epitafium
- Requiem for My Friend: Lacrimosa - Day of Tears
- Requiem for My Friend: Part One "Requiem": Sanctus
- Caruso
- Great Escape
- Don Karol (I)
- Theme from People's Century
- Olivier’s Theme (Piano)
- Breadline
- Reprise (Organ)
- Don Karol (II)
- Fashion Show (II)
- The Battle of Carnival and Lent (II)
- Brave New World
- Reprise (First Appearance)
- Lost Peace
- Bolero (“Red” Film)
- Ellipsis
- Reprise (Julie on the Stairs)
- Don’t Fall Asleep
- Olivier and Julie (Trial Composition)
- Olivier’s Theme (Finale)
- Fashion Show (I)
- On The Line
- Don Karol (III)
- Red Flag
- Julie (In Her New Apartment)
- Julie (Glimpses of Burial)
- Dominique’s Arrest
- Do Not Take Another Man’s Wife (I)
- Reprise (Julie with Olivier)
- Sporting Fever
- Age Of Hope
- Total War
- Do Not Take Another Man’s Wife (II)
- Master Race
- Boom Time
- Freedom Now
- Van Den Budenmayer (Funeral Music) (Organ)
- Bolero (Trailer for “Red” Film)
- Van Den Budenmayer (Funeral Music) (Winds)
- Reprise (Flute)
- Van Den Budenmayer (Funeral Music) (Full Orchestra)
- Killing Fields
- Mother Didn't Know
- Goodbye, my friend
- Goodbye, my friend - End Titles
- Berlin 1945
- Anonyma - Love
- Wishful Dreaming Piano Version
- Wishful Dreaming
- Anonyma - Hope
- Hope Within Hope (Version 2)
- Anonyma - Faith
- Anonyma - Prelude
- Hope Within Hope
- Berlin 1945 - Reminiscence
- Weltschmerz
- L’Enfance II
- When a Man Loves a Woman
- Bo To Wszystko Miało Trwać...