Mehr Songtexte

- I.Shoes
- The Dead French
- All Roads to Fault
- The Problem
- Iron Chef
- First Mater Responds
- Fourthree
- Lions, Then the Donkeys
- Rob the Hed
- Undone
- Capital King
- Awake/Sleep
- Athletes and Tourists
- One Ninja
- I'm Impressed
- Post Song Banter 1
- Post Song Banter 2
- Scandinavia
- Seventeen
- Untitled (demo)
- Pottercommajoseph
- TV Is Better Than Real Life
- Talk 4
- Talk 3
- Talk 5
- Four Three
- Talk 1
- 2 Stone
- Interview 2
- Translate (demo)
- Talk 2 and Phonecall
- Interview 1
- Audition