Grow up, Dude (Demos)
- Grow up, Dude (Demo)
- Pinball House (Demo)
- The One With David (demo)
- Terry V. Tori (Demo)
- Medal of Honor (Demo)
- The One With Marc (Demo)
- I Am, I’m Trying (Demo)
- The Fifties (Demo)
- Good for Bond, Bad for You (Demo)
- I’m Bill Paxton
- A Noble Black Eye (Demo)
- There’s Nothing I Love More Than Baseball (Demo)
- 041410
- 060810
- 083010
- The Moon Soon
Mehr Songtexte

- Sneaky Fuckin' Russian
- There's Nothing I Love More Than Baseball
- I'm Bill Paxton
- To the Moon
- LB Jeffries
- Saddle Up, San Antonio
- Hope It's Not a Deposit Bottle!
- Sorry 'Bout That
- I Am, I'm Trying
- Kevin, You're Such a Disease
- Only in Dreams
- Susanne
- My Name Is Jonas
- Surf Wax America
- In the Garage
- Your Side
- Lanai
- Bedside Manor
- He's Grumpy, He's Broke
- Goodbye AM
- Just to Make a Sound
- Award of the Year Award (demo)
- Lanai (demo)
- AFB (Batavia, NY demo)
- LB Jefferies
- Sneaky Fucking Russian
- Sorry About That
- Kevin You're Such A Disease
- Hope Its Not A Deposit Bottle
- Instrumental
- Saddle Up Sanantonio
- He’s Grumpy, He’s Broke
- Hope It’s Not a Deposit Bottle!
- Kevin, You’re Such a Disease