Raiden V: Director's Cut Original Soundtrack
- Entrusted Wing
- Quiet Resonance
- Richromatic
- Fatal Omen
- Unknown Pollution
- Dive to Atrocity
- One Step Closer
- Secret Cave
- Disquieting Pulsation
- Apostle's Maraud
- Hide-and-seek in a sea
- Intellect and Intelligence
- Its Name Valbarossa
- Death Throes
- Catasthrophe
- Fortress of Philosophy
- Tag in the sky
- Far Journey
- Crystal of Abyss
- The Phenomenon
- Returnee
- The War That Never Ends
Mehr Songtexte

- Is This How You Are? (LastBoss)
- The Direction to the Heart of the Forest (Stage5)
- 360 Menu (Menu)
- Presentiment (Stage4-B)
- Mercilessness (True Final Boss)
- Endorphin (Boss1)
- Presentiment (Stage4-A)
- Inside the White Darkness (Field E)
- The Decisive Christmas Eve Battle (from ''Ave Maria'' by Gounod/J.S.Bach) (Final Boss)
- Apoplexy
- In Harm's Way
- Worthy Foe
- Cliff Edge
- In the Wake of Destruction
- "A Day Wasted Is a Fortune Lost."
- Remember This Victory!
- The Forever World (orchestral)
- Halcyon Days
- Emotional Storm
- The Chills
- Living in the Moment
- Who D-Unit
- Ennui Vibes
- Will to Win
- Staring Into the Void
- A Cruel Thesis
- Self Sacrifice
- Dawn of the Sentinels
- High Alert
- To the Final Battle
- The Forever World (Game Boy Only)
- The Forever World (Stratosphere)
- Justice of Dys World (Climax Battle Medley)
- Endles Encore (Rockman 2 Medley)
- Tropical Airport (Rockman 5 Medley)
- The Last No. Zero (Theme of Zero Medley)
- Caves
- Old Castle
- Lichdragon Fortissax
- Old Warriors
- Recusants
- Prison Town
- God-Devouring Serpent
- Consecrated Snowfield
- Mt. Gelmir
- Fallen Knights
- Liurnia of the Lakes
- Volcano Manor
- God‐Devouring Serpent
- Drakenhold Medley (Stage Theme - Battle Theme)
- Coliseum Medley (Menu Theme - Battle Theme)
- Drakenhold -Rugged Mountain Range-