Aion (Soundtrack)
- The Tower of Eternity
- The Wings of Knight (Origa version)
- A Fairy of the Peace
- Kingdom of Light
- Song of Moonlight
- Solid State Battle
- Death Waltz
- Magma & Beast
- Blue Forest
- Forgotten Sorrow (English version)
- Step to the Next World
- Darkness in Your Heart
- Voices From the Ruins
- Attack the Unsion
- Arabesque
- Dream of the Shepherd
- Red Land
- Dark's Innocence
- Raging Strings
- Flying Dragon
- Heaven's Gate
- Forgotten Sorrow (Korean version)
Juuni Kokuki Image Soundtrack ~ Juuni Genmu Emaki
- Scene 1 - Youko
- Ikyou Haruka
- Juuni Genmu Kyoku~Achira E No Aika
- Koshinkyou
- Scene 2 - Kamen
- Haruka Naru Tabiji
- Rakkou
- Koudou Hasha
- Maten Dakyou
- Ryuu'un No Pavane
- Scene 3 - Kakusei
- Sanctus~Kihaku
- Houga No Asa
- Touhou Raisan
- Unmei No Rakuin
- Higeki No Rondo
- Gikun Fujin
- Scene 4 - Shoushin
- Genmei Fuuei (von Mika Arisaka)
- Genmei Fuuei
- Yoake~Ryochou
- Shihouka (von Houko Kuwashima)
- Mufuu Yousou~Kyuuchuu
- Aijou Kyoku
- Genkou Shinshou
Juuni Kokuki Original Soundtrack 1 ~ Juuni Genmu Kumikyoku
- Juuni Genmukyoku (Full Version)
- Juunikoku Genei (Subtheme)
- Kuni ~ Seinaru Hibiki
- Youma
- Kehai ~ Yakudou
- Yasougetsuna
- Ifuu Ou Kei
- Fuushun
- Tabiji ~ Hou-zan Enkei
- Juuni Genmukyoku (Acoustic Version)
- Kuni ~ Touhou Reiin
- Aozaru ~ Shinjitsu no Saya
- Shuurai
- Konmei ~ Hisou
- Getsumei Fuuei (Slow Version)
- Juuni Genmukyoku (Piano Solo)
Mehr Songtexte

- Silhouette of a Breeze(Strings ver.)
- The Belle of the Ball
- Pico-Pico
- Unsung Angel -with small misty eyes-
- Crystal Palace
- The Market Place Asia
- Daydream In Europe
- Kuni-Seinaru Hibiki
- Anthology With Harp
- Itsumo No Asa~Yokan
- Rainbow Leaves
- Purity
- Silhouette of a Breeze (Piano solo)
- Silhouette of a Breeze (Record ver.)
- Juunigenmukyoku
- Alice in a Mirror
- Pieces of Dream
- Rondo of Lilybell
- Kuni (Touhoureiin)
- Connor Culh
- Reika
- Lace Handkerchief
- Ryuuun No Baveenu (Aika)
- Waltz for Emma & William
- Prayer Hill
- Echoes For Pyeongchang
- Into the Light
- Society
- Nostalgia
- White Desert of Jose
- Little Wing, Vanishing Dreams
- Shihouka
- The River of a Century
- Separation
- Picturesque Voice
- Shuurai (Rensa)
- The Season
- Niche & Steak
- OUD & Squall
- Mint Academy
- Molders
- From Ancient, From East
- Yasoukyoku Shizuku
- Voice For The Ground
- Emma
- Love at first Sight
- The Breeze From Caribbean Sea
- Difference
- Voyage 2
- Servant's Ball
- Doll's Hymn
- Swan Yard
- Tibetan Bell
- Solitude
- Long Way Home
- Town of Kyrie ~ Dead End
- Yasoutsuki No Shizuku
- Power Blossom
- Menuet for EMMA (Piano solo)
- Silhouette of a Breeze(Celt ver.)
- Brazilian Shore
- Menuet for EMMA
- Claude Monet's House
- Juuni Genmu Kyoku
- With him
- Touhou Raisan~Minimal China
- Confession
- Attack
- Babylon's Stone
- Bizarrean Wind
- Rakkou (Piano Solo)
- Free as the Wind
- Tragic Love
- Voyage 1 (From East To West)
- EMMA(Recorder ver.)
- The Gate of Dreams
- Memory(Recorder ver.)
- Shihouka (Piano Solo)
- Innocence
- Curiosity
- St. Medieval Rain
- Echoes From The East
- The Prophet
- Emma (Piano solo)
- Chouchikuun
- Tears of Silvet
- Moon Drops
- A Sandstorm
- Amanita Pantherina ~Where am I ?, Who am I ?~
- Lightning
- White Arirang
- Renaissance Voice
- Jeongseon Arirang Op. 1
- Jeongseon Arirang Op. 2
- Memory(Strings ver.)
- Housanenkei (Tabiji)
- Asian Beauty
- Solitude (Recorder ver.)
- Shoot Down!
- Hara-Hara, Doki-Doki
- Submarine Excavation
- Tea, Piano & You
- Upstairs,Downstairs
- Heart Strings
- A Man of Glory
- Kantele
- KUON Jeongseon Arirang Variation
- Nocturne ~ a Destiny
- treasures
- Lag & Niche
- Emma (Harpsichord ver.)
- Melancholy
- The Universe
- Junigenmukyoku (Piano Solo)
- Distrust
- The Opening Of The History
- Diary
- Boureikyoushou
- Samanea Saman
- The Legend
- Too Far Away
- Kalimbian Dance
- Repose
- The Breath In Far East
- The Valley of a Swam
- Silhouette of a Breeze
- Love for… JeongSeon Arirang
- Desire
- Hope against Hope
- Always there
- Final Voices From The Heaven
- William's Love
- Yasougetsuda
- Juuni Genmukyoku
- Ryuun no Pavaanu ~ Aika
- Hou-zan Enkei ~ Tabiji
- Shuurai ~ Rensa
- Ruika
- Choukuu Kumo
- Kodama Kyousei
- a Letter to Dream Catcher
- Sho-nen Kyu-ji
- AGAIN by piano
- Koshien,the sky
- Main theme of AGAIN
- Captain's dream
- AGAIN by guitar & strings
- AGAIN by guitar
- AGAIN by piano & strings
- Shoulder & arm (player's number 01)
- Arch in the fields #01
- Arch in the fields #02
- Arch in the fields #03
- Promenade
- Prospect of Victory
- Theme of Amy
- Tusk of Tiger
- Amy's Affection
- Players
- Escape
- Heart of Hearts
- Hisou (Pathetique)
- Spiral Chase
- Virtue & Violence
- Final Victory-Epilogue
- Cruel Destroyer
- Wind of Destiny