Harvesting the Cunt Nectar
- Lost Inside Yourself
- Death Porn
- Sprayed by Cans of Shit
- Gorebortion
- Tuan Tran: Murderer/Rapist?
- Uncompromising Sexual Harassment at Work, Home, and in Public
- Harvesting the Cunt Nectar
- Skeleton Toucher
- Desperately Craving Anal Attention
- Fist-Fuck Death Grip
- Buying a DVD Player (Then Raping You With My Old VHS Tapes)
- Albukkake, NM
- A Knife Called Pussylicker
- Prowler in the Shower
- The City and the World
- Catholic Slut
- 2nd Ranked Phallic Offense vs. 26th Ranked Vaginal Defense
- Eat Your Entrails and My Kult Ejaculant
- The Moment You Start to Enjoy It, It’ll Get Worse
- Priest in the Preschool
- Semen for the Basement Slaves
- Slut Killer
- Baptized in Semen and Steel
- Sunrise Is a Lie
- Failing to Contain the Gore Fountain
- Fucked by Lightning
- If I Dismember Your Cunt, Are You Still a Virgin?
- Only Those Who Eat the Feces Will Be Spared
- Tangible Expression of Hate
- Diagnosis - Zombie Slut Rape
Mehr Songtexte

- Harvesting a Dead Girl
- Skeleton Inside Her
- Bludgeoned by a Human Body
- Stabilize Her
- Sweet Relief in the Masoleum
- Raping a Minor of the White Race
- Aroused by the Rape Trail
- Perpetually Exploding Uterus
- Balls Vs Hatchet
- Smoking Sumerian Debris
- Raped by a Retard
- Hot Nazi Sluts Have Hot Steaming Guts
- Mouth You Don't Have to Feed
- Grinded to Nothing
- Worthless Hole
- Magician in the Bathrobe
- Snorting Her Fumes
- Born Again Slut
- Sludge Taster (Piercing the Pipes)
- Sandbox Sniffer
- Picking Up a Random Goregrind CD and Acting Out the Cover With the Girl Next Door