Xavier Quijas Yxayotl Songtexte
Mayan Ancestral Music - A' Bit' Eb J'yichmam Mayan
- Cry of the Morning Dove Song - a' Yo'Kil Bit' No' Paramuch Yet K'Inibalil
- Mayan Ancestral Music - a' Bit' Eb J'Yichmam Mayan
- Songs for Our Ancestors - a' Co' Bit' Bay Eb J'Yichmam
- Crossing Over to a Spirit World - Yec' Toj' Yespiritu Yul Yiban K'Inal Ti'
- The Feeling of Her Love - Chi Jab' Scam C'Ulal Ix
- Cleansing Rain Song for Mother Earth - a' Bit' Nab Yet Txajon El Co Xutx Xotx
- Birth Song for Quetzalcoatl - a' Bit' No' T'Zikin Bay Quetzalcoatl
- Mayan Fire Flute - K'Ak'Ilal Flauta Eb Mayan
- Spirits of the Wind and the Universe - a' Yespiritus K'Ae' C'Al Yul Yiban K'Inal Ti'
Mehr Songtexte

- Copal Offering to the Four Directions
- Xipe Totec
- Tonantzin
- Antigua
- Apache
- Ixtakcuautli
- Mictlantecutli
- Mazatl
- El Danzante
- Tezcatlipoca y Fuego
- Ehecatl
- Atardecer - Sunset
- Jaguar Cosmico - Cosmic Jaguar
- Danza Festiva Nahua
- Fuertes Ancestros
- Mazatl - Venado - Deer
- Aguila Blanca - White Eagle
- Tezcatlipoca - God Of The Darkness
- Vuelo Del Aguila - Flight Of The Eagle
- Dance of the Corn People (World)
- Dance for the Maize God (World)
- Tonantzin (World)
- Singing Earth (World)
- City of the Gods (World)
- Music for Rain God (World)
- Fire Dance (World)
- Sacred Flower (World)
- Offering to Mother Earth (World)
- Night Spirits (World)
- A' Bit' No' T'zikin Bay Quetzalcoatl
- Yec' Toj' Yespiritu Yul Yiban K'inal Ti'
- A' Yespiritus K'ae' C'al Yul Yiban K'inal Ti'
- A' Co' Bit' Bay Eb J'yichmam
- A' Bit' Eb J'yichmam Mayan
- A' Bit' Nab Yet Txajon El Co Xutx Xotx
- K'ak'ilal Flauta Eb Mayan
- A' Yo'kil Bit' No' Paramuch Yet K'inibalil
- Chi Jab' Scam C'ulal Ix