Wurm Songtexte
Zullos live May 1st 2019
Mehr Songtexte
- Glassblower (Download cover)
- Glacier
- AntiBotSectant
- RobtClustrLaunch
- Apox
- YouRang
- Killfly (Download Cover)
- BotSectWar
- RoboMarch
- InsctsVSrBots
- Migraitorture
- Botaganda
- RbotConstruct
- Slawaken
- Shadow Kronicles
- Wurm Hole Part 1
- Snake Oil
- We Seek Guidance
- Pauzau
- WD4tran
- Wurm Hole Part 3
- Wurm Hole Part 2
- Second Bad Vilbel (Autechre cover)
- Finger
- Wurm Hole Part 4
- 5700904
- TrisTeK (original ver)
- Majik
- MoonlightMoth
- VaxOut
- TrisTeK (Final)
- Child of the Earth
- Atripheed
- TrisTeK (ver2)
- pouknoukdoud
- DangerRawk
- SPectratur
- ScreamingBrains
- Black Arm
- Bikiwow
- Calhum
- Spamaloote
- Terapic
- Nomenclature
- Reminatur
- Punck Mahk
- Corruption
- Short Term Nelly
- ScrambledBrains
- The Master
- New Years Jam Nonsense
- LAHnGinAture
- Acturaginatura
- ArGent
- Brainatur
- SLox
- Electric Ghost