Wooming Songtexte
My dearest, Please Kill Me
The Mad Dog Bites Our Fall of Hope
Geboren am 13. November 1986
Mehr Songtexte

- Conception/None
- Vermilion Hades
- Misty Lake in Wonderland
- Chaos Collapse
- The Solitary World
- Lightened By The Shade Of The Sun
- My dearest, Please Kill Me
- Continuation of Dream
- Witch Trial
- Justicia Intereo Procul Ratio
- Mighty Core
- Battle Gate
- Darkness Illusion
- Breaking the Mirror
- Evil Queen
- P.M.C
- Goat of Heresy
- Betray
- Level Insanity
- Rule Of the World
- March In Insanity
- Knell of Hell
- Song Of Scarlet Bloom
- For the Dawn
- Across the River (Introduction)
- Disturbance High
- Anthem To Those Who Defeat Despair - Album ver.
- Word Remains In Me
- Sink under the sky, fly to the depth
- New Elements
- Judgement Falls -Album Ver.-
- Deadly Silence
- The Mad Dog Bites Our Fall of Hope
- Anthem To Those Who Defeat Despair
- Is It Worth?
- Shanghai Eliminator
- Chaotic Wolf
- Killing Is My Code -Album Ver.-
- Dreaming River
- Boundless Drive
- Screaming Dead Heat
- The Horrible Guardian
- Salvation of under the Dictatorship
- Power o' Nine
- The Unstoppable
- Insanity Concert
- Your Wrath Is My Wish
- F.S.C.
- Fatal Scythe's Awakening
- The Damned Stalker Staring at the Sun
- Wave of Brave
- Rapid Ignition of Paradice
- Shaghai Wailing
- The Lifeless Starlight
- Ill Vision
- Scythe for the Guilty Riversides
- Crimson Haired Lady
- Declare of Exception
- Words Left Untold
- False Administrator
- Crimson Romance
- Unlimited Rage
- Electric Great Magical Fantastic Spark
- Doom's Labyrinth
- Strange Sorcery
- Blast Reflection