Witchypoo Songtexte
Olympia Must Die
Gründung 1990, Auflösung 2000
Diana Arens
Greg Babior
Jimmy Boyle
Cristina Calle
Zack Carlson
Rachel Carns
Nikki Chapman
Ian Dickson
Steve Fisk
Sue P. Fox
Beth Grover
Stuart Hallerman
Dan Haugh
Sam Linscott
Sara Lund
Michelle Mae
Adam McCauley
Amy Moon
Slim Moon
Michelle Noel
Michelle Mae Orr
Joe Preston
Lisa Rumsey
Vern Rumsey
John Fell Ryan
Maia Sinholm
Chris Smith
Sarah Utter
Jared Warren
Public Works
- Everybody Looks Good in a Helmet
- Mechanical Mumble
- Touch and Go
- Moonshadow
- Fuck the President
- The Reaper Song
- Heavy Gurl Involvement
- Follow You Down
- Call to Prayer
- Olympia Must Die
- Anal Satan
- Pennsylvania
- The First and the Fifth
- Epistemology
- Chill Out Room
- Bad Circulation
- Homily
- A Simple Desultory Phillipic (or How I Was Robert McNamara'd Into Submission)
- The Groaning Machine
- You Belong to Me
- Love Power
- Everybody Looks Good in a Helmet
Everybody Looks Good in a Helmet
Pitching Woo
- A for Effort
- Theme From Witchypoo
- Kick Down
- Evil LOL
- Start It On
- Those Aren't Nuns!
- Suffer
- LOL With Fear
- I Love U More
- Light Hook
- Brand New Sack (Longass version)
- Sleep to Dream
- Sold Out When Lit (Slim version)
- Freeze Dried (Longass Life in the Biz version)
- Groaning Machine (Longass So-Called 'Organic' version)