Wim Mertens Songtexte
And hit the bitter water
Struggle for Pleasure
Bassin d'attraction
Close Cover
Geboren am 14. Mai 1953
Certain Nuances Excepted
- Apatride
- Zing’up
- The Custom of Amok
- The Weight of the Height
- La Fin de la visite
- Indexed by the Arche-Fossil
- Sonsigns
- Fort van Varens
- The Scene of Two
- Archivcharakter
- Tactility
- Not At Home
- Salernes
- Adequate Glueings
- The Whole of the Past
- Iris
- Prudence
- Houfnice
- Watch!
- The Grasp of Letting Go
- The Belly
- Far
- Close Cover
- He cried no Cry
- Struggle for Pleasure