
Geboren am 14. Mai 1953


Qua (Compilation)

Sources Of Sleeplessness (I. Mein Leib Ist Mude + II. Venerandam)

  1. Geschuifel
  2. Lenige spieren
  3. Katachtig op hun gemak
  4. Kronkelen de armen
  5. Kruislings
  6. Gerekt geding
  7. Fore-Hatch
  8. Feline-Leisure
  9. Pad-Foot
  10. Little Sinews
  11. Twisted Arms
  12. Cross-Hold
  13. Seafoam

Sources Of Sleeplessness (III. Sub Rosa + IV. Le Bref)

  1. So That:
  2. Limes
  3. The Ship
  4. Tiresias
  5. Verses
  6. To Be Done
  7. Later Life
  8. Song and Story

Vita Brevis I

  1. Part I
  2. Part II
  3. Part III
  4. Part IV
  5. Part V

Vita Brevis II

  1. Part VI
  2. Part VII

Alle Dinghe I

  1. Zo
  2. Of
  3. Ook
  4. Al
  5. Et

Alle Dinghe II

  1. Tot
  2. En
  3. Met

Alle Dinghe III

  1. De
  2. Te

Gave Van Niets (You'll Never Be Me I)

  1. No-men
  2. Wo-men
  3. Chasms

Gave Van Niets (You'll Never Be Me II)

  1. Leaps
  2. Laidback

Gave Van Niets (Divided Loyalties - Daily Duties)

  1. It Serves You Right
  2. What's Mine Is Yours
  3. Letter Of Intent
  4. Quotable Lines

Gave Van Niets (Divided Loyalties - A Battle Of Wits)

  1. How About It ?
  2. How About What ?
  3. Now You See, Now You Don't

Gave Van Niets I

  1. De blik omhoog
  2. Ofwel daar, ofwel hier
  3. Van wie je alles verwacht
  4. De komst van een ander
  5. Buiten het oog

Gave Van Niets II

  1. Zie niet
  2. Hoor niet
  3. Wees niet
  4. Altijd haast

Gave Van Niets III

  1. Waar ik heers
  2. Schillen
  3. Schorsen
  4. Alles gisteren
  5. Het lied
  6. Retorica

Reculer Pour Mieux Sauter I

  1. Plus grandes les part de mort
  2. Plus grandes les part de vie

Reculer Pour Mieux Sauter II + Les Saisons Qui Apportent Tout

  1. Trouver le repos
  2. Ce qui arrive
  3. Ce qui se produit
  4. Ce qui a lieu

Reculer Pour Mieux Sauter III (Le Souffle Du Destin)

  1. Le vrai
  2. Le héros
  3. Le cas
  4. Le propos
  5. La mesure

Poèma I

  1. As A Rule
  2. Blank Versus
  3. Leap In the Dark
  4. Relatively Spoken
  5. In Line With
  6. Desert Love

Poèma II

  1. Under The Trees
  2. In Terms Of
  3. White Boats
  4. To Stand For
  5. No Darkness
  6. Their Writings
  7. As A Golden Eye

Kere Weerom I

  1. 't is tijd
  2. O weerzien !
  3. Van Hot naar Haar
  4. Dat scheiden
  5. Wederom verdwenen
  6. Zij zingt en wenkt
  7. Overal, altijd
  8. Waar wij niet zijn
  9. Een eigen dagindeling
  10. Amper beschut

Kere Weerom II

  1. Zoet licht
  2. Wat zegt het ?
  3. De enige troost
  4. Elke belofte
  5. De afmatting
  6. Achter me niets
  7. Wat ik doe
  8. Het oude deuntje
  9. De dwarreling
  10. Onderlinge onmin
  11. Tenslotte...
  12. Wat ik zeg
  13. Voor me niets
  14. Waarheen ?
  15. De krater
  16. Nooit genoeg
  17. In u

Kere Weerom III

  1. Altijd Winnen
  2. Dit zegt alles mij
  3. Van eeeee
  4. Olie op het vuur
  5. Zo Was het
  6. Een hoger doel
  7. Tel je polsslagen !
  8. Met natte schoenen
  9. Men schommelt
  10. Een stomme streek
  11. Later het vervolg
  12. Als muze
  13. Gretig vuur
  14. Nieuwe dwalingen
  15. Zo gaat het voort
  16. Het kortstondige
  17. En aaaaa
  18. Dronkemansliedjes
  19. De wil van één
  20. Weinig meeleven
  21. Heimelijke bijeenkomsten
  22. Maak dat de kat wijs
  23. Egels
  24. Een sierlijk zakdoekje
  25. Een veilge plek
  26. Je hebt van die uren !

Decorum I

  1. Anéantir
  2. Bienvenir
  3. Cadastrer
  4. Dépasser
  5. Empêcher
  6. Fatiguer
  7. Galoper
  8. Honorer
  9. In situ

Decorum II

  1. Jubiler
  2. Kss ! Kss !
  3. Laudes
  4. Monter
  5. Nier
  6. Orémus
  7. Posséder
  8. Questionner

If Five Is A Part Of Ten (If And Only If)

  1. If And Only If
  2. Which Connects Them All
  3. Smooth Manifolds
  4. Twice Falsified
  5. Possible Width
  6. Benevolent Murmuring
  7. Unlimited Returns
  8. As Bait
  9. Red Heat
  10. Diagrammic Traits
  11. Nous Sommes À Venir
  12. Secret Of The Stammerer
  13. Whimsical Curiosity
  14. The One And The Many
  15. Still Unbroken

If Five Is A Part Of Ten (Carried By The Tide)

  1. Comme une sonde
  2. Uneven Halfs
  3. Answerless Riddles
  4. Obedience Into Command
  5. Urdoxa
  6. The Throw of the Dice
  7. Level of the Membrane
  8. More Grandiose
  9. One Before Two
  10. Incompossible Worlds
  11. The Breaking of the Shell
  12. With Zones of Clarity
  13. Series of Hungers
  14. From the Whole to the Parts

If Five Is A Part Of Ten (Possible Worlds)

  1. Two Before Three
  2. With Sensibilia
  3. From Within
  4. Logical Shell
  5. And Yet To Come
  6. Een Verlegenheidsnaam
  7. Âme - Chair
  8. Against All Deaths
  9. This Lustful Note
  10. In Its Hardness
  11. Subtle Schematism
  12. Large Too Small
  13. At Arm's Length
  14. A World Of Born
  15. SouFFrance
  16. With All His Might
  17. Through Self-Sameness
  18. With Outstretched Wings
  19. Hitherto
  20. The Mildest Of All
  21. With A Ploughshare

If Five Is A Part Of Ten (Animal Magnetism)

  1. Trouvaille
  2. Obsessional Paths
  3. In the Meanderings
  4. Pious Intentions
  5. Four Before Five
  6. Withdrawn Voices
  7. Diumal Rêverie
  8. Incerto Tempore
  9. Just As the Swerve
  10. Of Theft and Gift
  11. Silent Imaginings

Aren Lezen (Getrokken)

  1. Of Animal Habit
  2. What It Can Grasp
  3. Xerophyte
  4. School of Thought
  5. Perpetuum Quietum
  6. And Holding a Sheaf
  7. Weight of the Heights
  8. Whole Bundles
  9. Wandelende Pijnen
  10. In the Swarm
  11. Reaped in Silence
  12. Great Health
  13. Een last over de grond trekken

Aren Lezen (Gestreken)

  1. As Expansive Fluidium
  2. Taille de la vie
  3. Seafaring
  4. Interweaving
  5. Angular Momentum
  6. Happy Harvest
  7. Useful to Us
  8. The Goose for the Fox
  9. Irrational Rhythms
  10. At First Glance
  11. As in Wooden Wedges
  12. As in a Mould
  13. Over het water glijden

Aren Lezen (Geblazen)

  1. Water Into Vapor
  2. Selective Pressure
  3. Within a Larger Ring
  4. Truth on Its Side
  5. Artificial Instruments
  6. Returned to Its Giver
  7. Like Inner Commands
  8. The Stag and the Wolf
  9. Working Backwards
  10. As Sole Begetter
  11. This Undoing
  12. In Packs
  13. Absolute Heteron

Aren Lezen (Geslagen)

  1. Primordial Fire
  2. Called Caloric
  3. As Place Holder
  4. Phenomenae of Heat
  5. Motor - Habits
  6. Quite the Reverse
  7. Rapid Impact
  8. Quivering Timpani
  9. In the Midst
  10. Always Already
  11. Ideals of Quietism
  12. As a Lack
  13. Gensters slaan

Kaosmos (In The Making)

  1. As Inmixing
  2. First Things
  3. At All Costs
  4. Monstrous Couplings
  5. Chains of Phenomena
  6. Ongoing, Within Us
  7. Theory of Everything
  8. But Must Be Made
  9. The Grain of the Mebrane
  10. Pure Whimsicality
  11. Undulging Wheat
  12. Canons of Taste and Habit
  13. Its Media Infantilism

Kaosmos (Le Grain De La Membrane De L'Organe De La Vox)

  1. Initial Enthusiasm
  2. Nature as Music
  3. Qualitas Occultas
  4. Aether Proofs
  5. By Penetrating It
  6. Originarie Expansiva
  7. Room For Faith
  8. Per Spontaneitatem
  9. Innocent Enough

Kaosmos (Human Guesswork)

  1. Its Maschinewesen
  2. Its Long Sought Principle
  3. As Instrumentum
  4. Cumbrous Notations
  5. Random Groping
  6. The Whole of the Past
  7. Such a Transition
  8. Par chance, sans effort
  9. Apatride
  10. This Necessary Willkür
  11. Without Example
  12. Unless the Hand Obeys
  13. Stolen Legends

ARe (Global Persons)

  1. Next Nearest
  2. Various Alphabets
  3. For the Ausführbarkeit
  4. At Every Instant
  5. Methode of Intuition
  6. Sine Missione
  7. Benen Bol
  8. Alongside and Successively
  9. Arranged, Simplified
  10. You Northerners
  11. Fewer Refrains
  12. Most Untamed
  13. In Fits and Starts
  14. Luxta et post
  15. As a Fabulated Giant
  16. Bodies Into Planes
  17. Periods of Tasting
  18. Far Enough
  19. Within a Wider Cartography
  20. Most Secure Bastion
  21. Into a Bundle

ARe (Partial Objects)

  1. Eerste aanzet
  2. Den enkelte
  3. Four Northern Mists
  4. All Desirability
  5. In Fluvia
  6. Begerige deel
  7. In the Caesura
  8. What You See Is What You Hear
  9. Membrane States
  10. Connections Of Possibility
  11. Silent Echoes
  12. Featherless Biped
  13. The Gorged Tick
  14. Of Hand and Fingers
  15. Clinamen
  16. In Close Embrace
  17. Of niet
  18. Third Kinds
  19. Essence Of Modes
  20. Then, and Only Then


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