Willie Dixon Songtexte
Back Door Man
Weak Brain, Narrow Mind
Shakin’ the Shack
Signifying Monkey
The Little Red Rooster
Geboren am 01. Juli 1915, Gestorben am 29. Januar 1992
- The Big Three Trio
- Willie Dixon & The Big Wheels
- The Willie Dixon Band
- Willie Mabon and His Combo
- Nighthawks
- The Willie Dixon Orchestra
Everything Blues (The Singer, The Writer, The Producer 1954-1962) (Compilation)
- Wang Dang Doodle
- So Long
- Violent Love (von The Big Three Trio)
- Alone
- Wrinkles
- Walking the Blues
- Crazy For My Baby
- I Am the Lover Man
- The Pain In My Heart
- 29 Ways
- Firey Love
- All The Time
- Back Home in Indiana
- Wrinkles
- I Just Want to Make Love to You (von Muddy Waters)
- I'm Ready (von Muddy Waters)
- My Babe - Willie Dixon (von Little Walter)
- I Can't Quit You Baby (von Otis Rush)
- My Love Will Never Die (von Otis Rush)
- Groaning the Blues (von Otis Rush)
- Tell Me, Darling (von Betty Everett)
- Hidden Charms (von Charles Clarke)
- Spoonful (von Howlin’ Wolf)
- The Red Rooster (von Howlin’ Wolf)
- Going Down Slow (von Howlin’ Wolf)