50 Nursery Rhyme Songs (Compilation)
- Good Morning
- Miss Molly Had a Dolly
- There Was an Old Man
- Banbury Cross
- See Saw Margery Daw
- Hickory Dickory Dock
- Are You Sleeping
- Old King Cole
- The Three Little Kittens
- All the Pretty Little Horses
- Simple Simon
- Three Blind Mice
- Goosey, Goosey, Gander
- Golden Slumbers
- Donkey, Donkey
- Hot Cross Buns
- The Owl and the Kitty Cat
- London Bridge
- Hey! Diddle, Diddle
- Pat-A-Cake
- Early One Morning
- Pop! Goes the Weasel
- Pussycat, Pussycat
- Hush, Little Baby
- Over in the Meadow
- Little Bo Peep
- This Little Pig
- Sing a Song of Sixpence
- Ring Around the Rosey
- To Market, To Market
- What Are Little Boys Made Of
- Rock-A-Bye, Baby
- Polly Put the Kettle On
- Pease Pudding Hot
- Go to Sleep
- The Farmer in the Dell
- Do Re Mi
- Three Jolly Gentlemen
- Girls and Boys Come Out to Play
- Little Boy Blue
- I Love You
- Baa, Baa, Black Sheep
- This Old Man
- The Muffin Man
- Mary, Mary, Quite Contrary
- I Love Colors
- Mary Had a Little Lamb
- Humpty Dumpty
- Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Star
- So Long Now
Mehr Songtexte

- At the Grocery Store With Number Five
- Going to the Park With Number 1
- At the Ballgame With Number 4
- At the Bowling Alley With Number 10
- At the Zoo With Number 2
- Going to a Party With Number 3
- In the Car With Number 6
- Add With Zero
- Off to the Circus With Number 7
- At the Restaurant With Number 8
- Going to the Beach With Number 9
- Traditional ABC Song
- Three Little Ducks
- Shapes
- Thirty Days Has September
- Old MacDonald Had Some Vowels
- Count Your Fingers
- One Two Buckle My Shoe
- Going to the Library
- ABC Song
- Them Alphabet Bones
- If You Know All the Seasons
- Hey Little One
- Ten Green Bottles
- Counting Sheep
- The Days of the Week
- Head & Shoulders
- How Many Letters In the Alphabet
- Alphabet Boogie
- Ice Cream Sunday
- The Circle Song
- The Letters on the Bus
- The Ants Go Marching
- Ten in a Bed
- Letters & Sounds
- The Wheels on the Bus
- I've Been Working on My Letters
- "A" Is for Apple
- Add the Animals
- Twelve Potato Soup
- B I N G O Phonics
- Family Cheer