Ward Churchill Songtexte
I'd Have Blown Their Brains Out
Peltier's Freedom
Geboren am 02. Oktober 1947
Government Repression of the American Indian Movement (Live)
- Red Cloud’s War and the Treaty of 1868
- Land Cessions and the Erosion of the Great Sioux Nation
- Agitation on Pine Ridge
- Strategic Minerals on the Sheep Mountain Gunnery Range
- Wilson’s GOON Squad
- The Attempted Impeachment of Dick Wilson
- The Siege at Wounded Knee
- FBI Involvement
- The 1970s Terrorist Attacks on AIM
- Counterintelligence Tactics
- The Case of Leonard Peltier
- Internal Colonialism and the Realities of Government Repression
In a Pig's Eye: Reflections on the Police State, Repression and Native America (Live)
- Christian Parenti Introduction
- Hello My Relatives
- The Annversary of Pine Ridge
- A 500-Year War
- The Richest People in America
- … or Poorest
- A Nation of Their Own
- Investigating the FBI
- Function of the Bureau
- The Birth of COINTELPRO
- Some Really Nasty Stuff
- You Have a Police State
- Luster of a Pinkerton Man
- Badges for Vigilantes
- Contract Repression
- The FBI Warms Up
- Getting Mr. Garvey
- The Land of Free Speech
- Infiltration
- Operation Hoodwink
- A Mistake in Mississippi
- Repression
- #1 Security Threat
- Repression Evolves
- An Awesome Violence
- Breaking Resistance
- I'd Have Blown Their Brains Out
- Our Obligation
- Peltier's Freedom
- Truth in Advertising
- Who Profits/Strategy
- What Can Be Done?
Life in Occupied America (Live)
- Leonard Peltier: A Symbol of Indigenous Resistance
- Before Predator Came
- Amherst and Genocide: Smallpox and Biological Warfare
- Land and Population: 1890 and Vanishing
- Reservations and Mineral Wealth
- Poverty and Native North America
- The Colonised and the Coloniser
- Diplomacy and Fraud: The General Allotment Act and Land Ownership
- Guilt, Responsibility and National Sacrifice
- Uranium, Contamination, Reservations and the Rest of Us
- The 'Canary Effect', Winning and Losing
- Indian Struggles, Land, Life and Liberty
- Federally Recognised Indian Identity
- Devolution and Disintegration of States: U.S. Out of America
- How Leonard Peltier Will Be Freed
Native America: A Little Matter of Genocide (Live)
- The Pathology of Holocaust Denial
- Left Out of History: Estimating Historic Native Populations
- The Agricultural Archeology Method
- The 1890 Census
- James Axtell and the Disease Argument
- Smallpox: A Maliciously Induced Epidemic
- Historical Accounts of Scalp Bounties
- The Eradication of the Pequot and Other Native Massacres
- Using the Truth as a Weapon
- The Five Criteria of Genocidal Policy