The Road to Hana
- Tiki Timewarp
- Defenders of Ko Hawai’i Pae ’Aina
- Ukulele Princess
- All in Time
- Conclude the Charge
- Honolulu Firefight
- Seven Sacred Pools
- Three Cheers for Larry/Dead Nugent Pt. 2
- Newa Justice
- Converting You Into a More Useful Form
- Sound Investment in Your Future
- Piss on Their Ashes
- Reload the Guns
- Taste My Chrome
- Curse the World (Pahoa‐A’u‐Ku version)
- Two Plus None
- Orgy of Bullets
- Fondle the Liver
- Menehune Meltdown
- Surfing Molten Lava
- The Rapa Nui Mangler
- Burn With the Wisdom
- Genital Rampage
- Coming to Get You
- Those Vacant Stares
- Token Status
- Moonlight Lullaby
- Hot Lead, Cold Steel
- The Hawaiian Art of Bone Breaking
- Molokini From the Sky
- Moai I’aom
- Return to Tradition
- Aloha Daze
- Sunset on Maui / You Don’t Understand
Mehr Songtexte

- Extremity Jet-Planed/Eyes of Crust/Obstinate Erection
- 20 - Tell it Like it Isn't
- 22 - Techno and House Will Be the Death of Us All
- 11 - Charlton Heston, Excrement or Piece of Shit
- 41 - Misinformation
- 18 - To the Point
- 30 - Evil P
- 40 - I Got It Goin' On
- 15 - Homocide
- 36 - Fucks Unlimited
- 29 - I'm No Liberal
- 03 - Exegesis
- Frenzy of the Tiki
- 10 - Silent Invasion
- Origin of the Tiki
- 12 - The Torture of Listening to the Humorless Wit of Bob Hope
- 08 - Guns Don't Kill people
- 04 - Play the Role
- 17 - The Sheer Joy of Killing
- Voyage of the Tiki
- 25 - I've Got a Newspaper For a Head, Give Me Some Candy
- 45 - Absent Mind Dead
- 44 - House of Shame (Pack it In G)
- 23 - Chris Farley
- 39 - Kick It
- 01 - Somethings Gotta Give
- 24 - I'm About to Sneeze Man, Give Me Some Candy
- 38 - Down On the Factory Farm
- 14 - Let's Play Death Metal
- 05 - Time to Sell Out
- 21 - Rush Limbaugh
- 32 - Business As Usual
- 37 - Ripshifter
- 09 - Ugly Kid Joe
- 33 - Straight-Edge Lullaby
- 06 - Suck (er)
- 43 - Wear That X
- March of the Tiki
- 02 - Policically Defect
- 19 - Union Dues
- 26 - Bilow House
- 34 - We Have No Shame
- 35 - The Beat (Not the Go-Go's One)
- 31 - Guise
- Tiki Gods, No Masters
- 42 - No Second Chance
- 27 - Obligatory Gore Song
- 13 - Unceasing Parturition
- 07 - Dead Nugent
- 16 - Ku Kluts Klan
- Satanic Night Of A Thousand Inverted Goats On Lana'i
- Tiki Crack Torch
- The Wadge Exotica Ensemble Plays The Forbidden Sound Of Manglement, Kidney Stone On Kaua'i / Those Aren't Coconuts! / Nervous Laughter, Awkward Silence As Don Knotts Pees In The Pool / Fistful Of Barney / Hula Hula Don Don Don / The Pineapple Dumpling ...
- Cleared For Landing At Honolulu International (Knotts' Landing)
- Defenders Of Ko Hawai'i Pae 'Aina
- Alohapocalypse
- Hula Girl Double-Take
- Don Knotts Is Human Prey Trapped In A Whirlwind Struggle Enslaved By Propaganda After World Obliteration On O'ahu
- Farewell From Don - Thanks For The Mammaries (By 707 To The Mainland)
- Moai I'aom
- Leisure Suit Shuffle (By Surfboard To O'ahu)
- Don Juan De Knottso (By Hovercraft To Moloka'i)
- Surfin' A.NB.
- The Pineapple Dumpling Gang (By Humpback To Kaho'olawe)
- Cocktail Sauce
- Bug-Eyed And Chicken Livered (By Jet Pack To Maui)
- Sunset On Maui / You Don't Understand
- Pearl Harbor Necklace
- Elvis And Don (By Copter To Kaua'i)
- Hunting The Hawai'ian Sasquatch
- Chewing Woodrose Seeds
- The Shakiest Mai Tai In The Bar (By Outrigger To Lana'i)
- Tied Up In Knotts (He's Got The Locals In Stitches)
- Don Knotts Gets Lei'd (By Teleportation To Moloka'i)
- Surfin’ A.NB.