Vylet Pony Songtexte
We Do A Little Trolling
Geboren am 21. Oktober 1998 als Zelda Trixie Lulamoon
Horse Friends
- Our Story Begins
- Wake Up Everypony!
- Sign My Flank
- 3spooky5me
- Hearth’s Warming
- Yay Intensifies
- When in Canterlot
- Horse Friends (Pt. 1: Party)
- Lunatic Neurosis
- >_owo.pony‐directory
- Equestria in Technicolor
- Hot to Trot
- Crimson Shade
- Oddity Theme
- Smile On
- Starcrossed
- Letter & Requiem
- Horse Friends (Pt. 2: Fiends)
- Stereo Cider
- Twilight (Eventide)
I Was The Loner of Paradise Valley
Little Dreams (Live, 2019)
- Starship Ponyville Intro (Satyrn’s Theme)
- One Up! (live version)
- Golden Light (live version)
- Pinkie’s Adventure Donut
- Fall to the Clouds (live version) (von Vylet Pony ft. LilyCloud)
- Swarm (live version) (von Vylet Pony ft. The Living Tombstone & KLRX)
- History of the Wonderbolts (Vylet Pony remix)
- Wireless (Vylet Pony remix & live version) [Pre‐Fairytails Redux]
- Equality (live version)
- Little Dreams
- Friends Are Always There for You (Vylet Pony remix)
- Out on My Own (Vylet Pony & Sylver Stripe remix)
- Tempest (live version) (von Vylet Pony ft. Namii)
- Lullaby for a Princess (Vylet Pony Old remix)