Voyager Songtexte
What a Wonderful Day
Gründung 1999
Mark Boeijen
Alex Canion
Mark De Vattimo
Ashley Doodkorte
Simone Dow
Daniel “Nephil” Estrin
Scott Kay
Emanuel Rudnicki
Mehr Songtexte

- Cosmic Armageddon, Part II
- Cosmic Armageddon, Part I
- Kingdoms of Control
- It's a Wonder
- The Gentle Earth (1981)
- Now and Forever (Japan)
- We Were
- Don't Panic
- Golden (Inspiration)
- Cosmos
- Entropy
- This Boy's In Love
- Dreamer_Bass
- Dreamer_ All Vocals
- Dreamer_Piano
- Dreamer_All Keys
- Dreamer_Clap
- Dreamer_chiplead
- Dreamer_Introhits
- Dreamer_Syn drums
- Dreamer_Leadgtr
- Dreamer_Strings
- Dreamer_Backing vocal
- Dreamer_clinkyriff
- Dreamer_Darklead
- Dreamer_Intro pad
- Dreamer_snare
- Dreamer_Rooms
- Dreamer_Mainsynth
- Dreamer_Overheads
- Dreamer_LVLUP
- Dreamer_EDM Kick
- Dreamer_Cosmos
- Dreamer_80s LEAD
- Dreamer_ChorusGtr
- Dreamer_Toms
- Dreamer_RHYGTR2
- Dreamer_Kick
- Dreamer_RHYGTR1
- Dreamer_Leadvocal
- Dreamer_All Drums
- Dreamer_cleangtr
- Dreamer_All Guitar
- Dreamer_ All FX
- Dreamer_Choir
- This Boy’s in Love (cover)
- Ultraviolet (ft. Sean Harmanis of Make Them Suffer)
- Break a Broken Heart (cover)
- Ultraviolet
- Promise_20_Verse1Seq
- Promise_30_BrightLead
- Promise_19_EuphPad
- Promise_40_AlexCleanVocal
- Promise_05_Overheads
- Promise_35_SynthPiano
- Promise_36_EndSubTractor-01
- Promise_26_BuildSaw
- Promise_01_Kick
- Promise_17_MainArp8ve
- Promise_28_BassSynth
- Promise_37_EndSeq
- Promise_12_KeysSolo
- Promise_16_2ndVerseTrill
- Promise_10_CleanGtr
- Promise_14_MainSaw
- Promise_18_DarkLead
- Promise_41_VocalHook
- Promise_11_GtrSolo
- Promise_02_SubDrop
- Promise_38_LeadVocal
- Promise_08_RhyGtr1
- Promise_04_Toms
- Promise_34_Piano
- Promise_23_PreLeadSyn-01
- Promise_29_AirPad
- Promise_13_E Drums
- Promise_07_BassGtr
- Promise_39_HarshVocal
- Promise_21_Strings
- Promise_09_RhyGtr2
- Promise_31_BridgeHits
- Promise_06_Rooms
- Promise_33_EndLead
- Promise_15_MainArp
- Promise_22_FXSynth
- Promise_32_BridgeClippedSeq-01
- Promise_25_HookEsteban
- Promise_24_BreathPad
- Promise_27_BrightSaw
- Promise_03_Snare
- Break a Broken Heart
- This Boy’s in Love
- You, the Shallow
- Cosmic Armageddon Pt I
- Cosmic Armageddon Pt II
- Alter-Id
- The Meaning Of I [Official Music Video]
- Brightstar [Official Music Video]
- Misery Is Only Company [Official Music Video]
- The Devil in Me [Official Music Video]
- Colours [Official Music Video]
- Ascension [Official Music Video]
- Entropy [Official Music Video]
- Ghost Mile [Official Music Video]
- Dreamer [Official Music Video]
- Lost [Official Music Video]
- Runaway [Official Music Video]
- Bonus Material - Photos By DoodleKorte
- Sober [Official Music Video]
- Water over the Bridge [Official Music Video]
- Hyperventilating [Official Music Video]
- Water Over the Bridge (official music video)
- The Devil in Me (official music video)
- Colours (official music video)
- Photos by DoodleKorte
- Lost (official music video)
- Ascension (official music video)
- Dreamer (official music video)
- Hyperventilating (official music video)
- Ghost Mile (official music video)
- Sober (official music video)
- The Meaning of I (official music video)
- Misery Is Only Company (official music video)
- Brightstar (official music video)
- Entropy (official music video)
- Runaway (official music video)