Vineyard Music Songtexte
Be the Centre
More Love, More Power
The Lord Is Gracious and Compassionate
Jesus Is Coming Again
Gründung 1979
Bob Baker
Randy Butler
Kelly Carpenter
Casey Corum
Danny Daniels
Brian Doerksen
Frank Gallio
Larry Hampton
Michael Hansen
Dave Hollen
Paul Janz
Ted Jeans
Andy Park
Kevin Prosch
Cindy Rethmeier
David Ruis
Rita Springer
Danny Steyne
Norm Strauss
Brian Thiessen
Loralee Thiessen
Carl Tuttle
Scott Underwood
Come Now Is the Time to Worship: 14 Modern Worship Classics (Compilation)
- Come Now Is the Time to Worship (von Vineyard Music feat. Jessie Lane)
- Be Found Ready (von Vineyard Music feat. Michael Hansen)
- Your Love Is Amazing (von Vineyard Music feat. Casey Corum)
- Redeemed
- Hungry (Falling on My Knees)
- Every Move I Make (von Vineyard Music feat. Dan Wilt)
- Wonderful (von Vineyard Music feat. Scott Underwood)
- Surrender
- Real Love (von Vineyard Music feat. Ryan Delmore)
- This Is Love (von Vineyard Music feat. Scott Underwood)
- Yet I Will Praise
- Name Above All (von Vineyard Music feat. Andy Park)
- You Are Still Holy (von Vineyard Music feat. Rita Springer)
- Lord Reign in Me (von Vineyard UK feat. Brenton Brown)
- Mercy Is Falling (von Vineyard Music feat. David Ruis)