Valentyn Sylvestrov Songtexte
Requiem for Larissa: I. Largo
Requiem for Larissa: IV. Largo
Silent Songs, Part IV: Elegy. Verses Composed at Night, at a Time of Insomnia (Pushkin)
Stufen: To the Dream
World of Peace
Geboren am 30. September 1937
Bagatellen und Serenaden
- Bagatellen: I
- Bagatellen: II
- Bagatellen: III
- Bagatellen: IV
- Bagatellen: V
- Bagatellen: VI
- Bagatellen: VII
- Bagatellen: VIII
- Bagatellen: IX
- Bagatellen: X
- Bagatellen: XI
- Bagatellen: XII
- Bagatellen: XIII
- Bagatellen: II (var.)
- Elegie (von Münchener Kammerorchester, Christoph Poppen)
- Stille Musik: I. Walzer des Augenblicks (von Münchener Kammerorchester, Christoph Poppen)
- Stille Musik: II. Abendserenade (von Münchener Kammerorchester, Christoph Poppen)
- Stille Musik: III. Augenblicke der Serenade (von Münchener Kammerorchester, Christoph Poppen)
- Abschiedsserenade: I (von Münchener Kammerorchester, Christoph Poppen)
- Abschiedsserenade: II (von Münchener Kammerorchester, Christoph Poppen)
- Der Bote
- Zwei Dialoge mit Nachwort: I. Hochzeitswalzer
- Zwei Dialoge mit Nachwort: II. Postludium
- Zwei Dialoge mit Nachwort: III. Morgenserenade
Requiem for Larissa
- Stufen: Dedication
- Stufen: Elegy
- Stufen: My Soul
- Stufen: The Blue-Grey Shadows Have Moved
- Stufen: What Are You For, Days?
- Stufen: Elegy
- Stufen: Oh, My Prophetic Soul
- Stufen: Sisters? Heaviness and Tenderness
- Stufen: To the Dream
- Stufen: Last Love
- Stufen: I Have Forgotten the Word I Wanted to Say
- Unsnaya Musika 1
- Unsnaya Musika 2
Mehr Songtexte

- Symphonic Poem for Piano and Orchestra: "Postludium"
- Silent Night
- Silent Songs, Part II: I Will Tell You With Unswerving Frankness (Mandelstam)
- Der Bote für Streicher und Klavier
- Bagatellen: XIII, II (var.)
- Zwei Dialoge mit Nachwort für Streichorchester und Klavier: II. Postludium
- Alleluia (2006) Evening
- Alleluia
- Silent Songs, Part II: White, a Solitary Sail (Lermontov)
- Postludium, Symphonic Poem for Piano and Orchestra: III. Dolce
- Silent Songs, Part II: Winter Journey (Pushkin)
- Do Not Forsake Me
- Morning
- Cherubic Hymm II
- Symphony No. 5: IX. Moderato
- Symphony No. 6: IV. Intermezzo. larghetto (attacca)
- Postludium, Symphonic Poem for Piano and Orchestra: I. Comodo
- The Lord Is My Sheppard (Psalm 22)
- Zwei Dialoge mit Nachwort für Streichorchester und Klavier: III. Morgenserenade
- Silent Songs, Part IV: Ode. Schubert on Water (Mandelstam)
- Diptych (1995) The Lord's Prayer
- Silent Songs, Part II: Something Tender, Blue, Unspoken (Yesenin)
- Symphony No. 6: I. Andantino - vivace - allegretto (attacca)
- Symphony No. 5: IV. Andante
- The Beatitudes
- Blessed Is He (Psalm 1)
- World of Peace
- O King of Heaven
- Silent Songs, Part II: Swamps and Marshes (Yesenin)
- Praise God All Ye Nations (Psalm 116)
- Lord Jesus Christ
- Night
- O Holy God
- Ave Maria
- Silent Songs, Part II: What Meaning Has My Name for You? (Pushkin)
- Silent Songs, Part I: There Were Some Storms and Blizzards (Baratynsky)
- Zwei Dialoge mit Nachwort für Streichorchester und Klavier: I. Hochzeitswalzer
- Silent Songs, Part II: I'm Drinking to Mary (Pushkin)
- Stille Musik für Streichorchester: III. Augenblicke der Serenade
- Stille Musik für Streichorchester: II. Abendserenade
- Silent Songs, Part I: La belle dame sans merci (Keats)
- Hymn of the Cherubs
- Silent Songs, Part II: Winter Evening (Pushkin)
- Two Spiritual Chants (2006) A Mercy of Peace
- Two Spiritual Songs (2006) Alleluia
- Cherubic Song
- Four Songs after Osip Mandelstam: My Lashes Are Pricking
- Two Psalms of David (2006) Fret Not Thyself Because of the Ungodly (Psalm 37)
- Silent Songs, Part I: Farewell, o World, o Earth (Shevchenko)
- Symphony No. 6: V. Vivace con moto - larghetto
- Silent Songs, Part II: I Met You (Tyutchev)
- Christmas Song
- Silent Songs, Part IV: Postludium. Those Sweet Companions (Zhukovsky)
- Symphony No. 6: II. Allegro moderato - commodo (attacca)
- Postludium No. 3 for cello and piano
- Many Years (Vivat) II
- Abschiedsserenade für Streichorchester: I
- Symphony No. 6: III. Andantino - animato - adagio - moderato - andante (attacca)
- Silent Songs, Part III: When the Cornfield, Yellowing, Stirs (Lermontov)
- Silent Songs, Part II: Autumn Song (Yesenin)
- Liturgical Chants (2005) Litany
- Postludium, Symphonic Poem for Piano and Orchestra: II. Allegro vivace
- Symphony No. 5: V. Più mosso
- Stille Musik für Streichorchester: I. Walzer des Augenblicks
- Four Songs after Osip Mandelstam: For the Thunderous Grandeur of Ages to Come
- Holy God
- Postludium No. 2 for violin solo
- Symphony for Piano and Orchestra: "Metamusik"
- Symphony No. 5: III. Animato, leggiero, con moto
- Many Years (Vivat)
- Silent Songs, Part IV: Elegy. Verses Composed at Night, at a Time of Insomnia (Pushkin)
- Lord, My Heart Swells Not With Pride (Psalm 130)
- Symphony No. 5: VI. Meno mosso
- Symphony No. 5: II. Moderato, leggiero
- String Quartet No.1
- Symphony No. 5: VII. Leggiero
- O Virgin Mother of God
- Silent Songs, Part IV: Meditation. It's Time, My Friend, It's Time! (Pushkin)
- Postludium No. 1 "D-S-C-H" for soprano, violin, cello and piano
- Today You Release (Your Servant)
- Symphony No. 5: VIII. Andantino
- O Praise God in His Sanctuary (Psalm 150)
- Symphony No. 5: I. Maestoso, pesante
- Silent Songs, Part III: I Set Out on the Road Alone (Lermontov)
- Come, Let Us Worship
- Testament (From the Poems of T.H. Shevchenko)
- Dithyrambic Song
- Many Years (Vivat) III
- Abschiedsserenade für Streichorchester: II
- Gloria
- Silent Songs, Part III: Mountain Summits (Lermontov)
- With the Saints Grant Eternal Peace
- Cherubic Hymm
- Silent Songs, Part I: O Melancholy Time (Pushkin)
- The Creed
- Bless, o Lord
- Elegie für Streichorchester
- Silent Songs, Part II: The Isle (Shelley)
- To You, O Lord, I Call (Psalm 27)
- Our Father
- Alleluia II
- Four Songs after Osip Mandelstam: The Oaks Drink From a Cold Vessel
- Four Songs after Osip Mandelstam: I Don't Know When
- Silent Songs, Part IV: Choral. A Vengeful God (Tyutchev)
- To Thee We Sing
- Silent Songs, Part I: Song Can Tend the Ailing Spirit (Baratynsky)
- Diptych: II. Testament
- Diptych: I. The Lord's Prayer
- Diptychon: Testament
- Diptychon: The Lord's Prayer
- Elegie
- The Lord Is My Shepherd (Psalm 22)
- Cherubic Hymn
- Cherubic Hymn II
- Dedication to J.S.B
- Stille Musik: III. Augenblicke der Serenade
- Abschiedsserenade: I
- Abschiedsserenade: II
- Stille Musik: II. Abendserenade
- Stille Musik: I. Walzer des Augenblicks
- Bagatelle, op. 1 no. 1. Allegretto
- Abendserenade
- 5 Songs - No. 3, La belle dame sans merci
- 5 Songs - No. 5, Farewell, O World, Farewell, O Earth
- 5 Songs - No. 4, O Melancholy Time! Delight for Eyes!
- 11 Songs - No. 7, The Isle
- 11 Songs - No. 9, Autumn Song
- 5 Songs - No. 1, Song Can Heal the Ailing Spirit
- 11 Songs - No. 2, I Will Tell You with Complete Directness
- 5 Songs - No. 2, There Were Storms and Tempests
- 11 Songs - No. 3, Here's a Health to Thee, Mary
- 11 Songs - No. 4, Winter Journey
- 11 Songs - No. 10, Swamps and Marshes
- 11 Songs - No. 11, Winter Evening