she will never want you, she will never love you and you're going to die alone... instead of continuing to think suicidal thoughts... I made this album
- my ex-wife is on onlyfans
- sometimes death knocks on my bedroom door with his scythe and asks to come in but I tell him to come back later
- how do you prove you exist? maybe we don't exist
- my bestfriend died about 8 months ago and I still can't accept that
- my ex-wife told me 5 minutes before we met at the alter that she wanted to fk my bestman (on god)
- irreversible damage to my trust and self esteem
- girls always say they can't wait to see me again, until it's time to see me again and they ghost me
- I want to rip my face off and splatter it all over the walls
- I have suicidal thoughts but I'm too much of a coward to actually do it