Action Songs Wiggle and Shake
- Wiggly Woo
- Wake Up Your Muscles
- Elephants Have Wrinkles
- Bean Bag Song
- Shake My Sillies
- Music Music
- Dingle Dangle Scarecrow
- If You’re Happy and You Know It
- Little Rabbit
- Mexican Bean Bag
- Three Little Speckled Frogs
- Little Monkeys
- Clap Tap Bend
- Little Green Frogs
- Stand Up, Sit Down
- Tom Tom
- Teddy Bear
- Wheels On The Bus
- I’m a Little Aeroplane & Rocket
- Bean Bag Shake
- Top of the Mornin’
- Grand Old Duke of York
Action Songs: Dance and Sing
- Warm up time
- Hickory dickory dock
- Bean bag boogie
- Tall as a tree (rhyme)
- Miss Polly had a dolly
- Open shut them
- Two little dickie birds
- Up and over
- Oats and beans
- Six little peas (rhyme)
- Monkey climbing
- We all Clap Hands Together
- Hinges
- Mexican Bean Bag
- Row Row Row The boat
- Six fat sausages (rhyme)
- Paddles on the Steamer.
- Animals Action
- Let's All Turn Around and Around (rhyme)
- She'll Be Coming Round The Mountain
- You Can Clap Your Hands
- Tumble Tots How Do You Ride? (rhyme)
- Grandma's Spectacles
- My Head My Shoulders
- Tumble Tot Rock
Mehr Songtexte
- Clap Your Hands Just Like Me
- I'm A Little Aeroplane & Rocket
- Bendable And Stretchable
- I Can - rhyme
- Round and Round The Garden
- Let Your Hands so Loudly Clap Clap Clap
- I Have Two Eyes to See With
- Bean Bag Time
- Tumble Tots are Great
- Glow Worm
- Ten Little Fingers (song)
- 1 2 3 4 5
- 8 Big Fingers - rhyme
- Six Little Ducks
- Wind the Bobbin Up - rhyme
- Top of the Mornin'
- I'm A Little Teapot
- One Finger, One Thumb
- Jack In The Box
- Roly Poly
- Little Peter Rabbit
- Peter Hammers
- Ten Little Fingers (rhyme)
- Jolly Snowman
- Wiggle My Fingers - RHYME
- If You're Happy and You Know It
- Baa Baa Black Sheep
- Skipping game
- Head and Shoulders
- Bean Bag Parade
- Mulberry Bush
- Twinkle Twinkle
- Looby Loo
- Get Ready, Get Set, Go
- Goodbye
- Toot the Flute
- Sing a Happy Song
- Butterfly
- Simon Says
- Intro
- Ring a Roses
- Deep Blue Sea
- Up, Down, Turn Around
- 3 Little Men
- Pass the Bean Bag
- Hot Cross Buns
- How Many Ways
- Little Green Apple
- Jumping Jack
- I Can Run as Fast As
- Elephant
- Hi Ho Melody
- Small World
- Spinning Top
- Merry Go Round
- Insy Winsy
- Hokey Cokey
- 1, 2, 3, 4, 5
- Move The Cirlcle
- Move the Circle