Top Jimmy Page & Led Zeppelin Songtexte
Pb Zeppelin
- AchiLLes lAst sTaNd 76-16
- aLL mY loVE 79-11
- BaTTle of EVErmorE 71-11
- bLaCK dOg 71-10
- for YOUR life 76-16
- FouR STickS 71-12
- GoINg tO cAliFoRnIA 71-10
- GrOUt On tHe tILeS 70-11
- i'M GonNa CraWL 78-10
- iN tHe eVeNiNg 79-11
- MistY mUnDaE HoP 71-11
- No QuaRTeR 73-10
- rocK aND rOLl 72-10
- SinCe I've BEEn LoVing YOu 70-10
- sTaiRwAY to HeAVen 71-10
- tANgeriNe 70-18
- tEa foUR OnE 76-16
- thE rAiN sonG 72-16
- wHEn tHe LeVee BReakS 29-10