
- Marijuana Fountain
- Animal Crossing: Cannabis Leaf
- Pussy Pussy Pussy, Tomodachi
- Metropolis of That Thun Thun
- O-O-O-O-O-OK Desu Ka?
- Mother Crossing
- Totally Mother
- Mothertale
- McDonalds 64
- 64 Ways to Leave Your Lover
- Joel's Message
- Let's Get Loopy
- A Grand Ending
- Just Beat It!
- Halloween Bastion
- Moves Like Jeh Jeh
- Part-time Father
- Totally the Theme of Friends
- Fairly Beloved
- Fairychasers
- Animal Valley
- Beloved Theme
- Epically Beloved
- Kingdom Hearts for Cutie
- Milky K.K.
- A Lovely Day in Burning Agrabah
- Trick 2 Trick
- SiIva's Force
- More Part-time Work (×6)
- Soulful Nigra
- Organization XIII is Somewhere Else
- Twilisaurus
- Tunak the Monkey
- Rowdy Bonetrumble
- Now GRAND!!!
- Soulja Festival
- Melting Dreams
- Crazy Blue
- Feel Good Highway
- Poetic Bossa
- Forest Eternal
- Grand Arrival!
- Sneaky One (Masked Yū)
- Lose Your Soul To Dance
- Ringside Funk
- You Caught Bling!
- Fried Banana Man
- Unprofessional Memery
- TV Friends
- Ocarina of Jerry Temporary
- Careless Fountain
- Nouk's Magical Mystery Cranny
- Fish Fear Me
- The Legend of Charlie Brown: Ocarina of Christmas Time
- Wii Shop Bling V2
- Victory Takes On Before You!
- Whip Over a Nae Leaf
- K.K. Lo-Fi (Aircheck)
- Cabanaela ~ A White Lovely Stanky Man
- Whip Shop Channael
- Magicant's Lament
- You Never Tomo Your Dachi
- While My Mother Gently Weeps
- Here Comes The Sun’s Song
- Piranha Plant’s Good Night
- Let It Blitz
- This Cave Turns Me On
- Deku Tree Way
- In My Sweet Home
- A Letter to You, Fool
- Prudence’s Dream
- Not The Ballad of Jumpman and Pauline
- Nook’s Magical Mystery Cranny
- This Village
- Imperial Koopa March
- More Part-time Work (x6)
- O‐O‐O‐O‐O‐OK Desu Ka?
- Joel’s Message
- K.K. Lo‐Fi (Aircheck)
- Nouk’s Magical Mystery Cranny
- Magicant’s Lament
- More Part‐time Work (x6)
- Part‐time Father
- Let’s Get Loopy
- SiIva’s Force
- More Part‐time Work (×6)
- A Thrilling, Mysterious, and Cagey Title
- Aaron Village
- Cage's Fountain
- Wicker Field
- The Weather Mountain
- Cage's Final Hours
- SouljaBee Temple
- Wii Shop Bling (Drake vs. Wii Shop)
- Attack of the Airships - Super Mario Galaxy