Captain Humes Poeticall Musicke (1607) - Music for Viols, Lute & Voice, Vol. 2
- The State of Gambo - The Earle of Worcesters favoret
- The virgins muse - The Lady Arbellaes favoret
- Sweet ayre - The Earle of Arundels favoret
- Musickes delight - The Earle of Southamptons favoret
- The Earle of Pembrookes Galiard
- A Spanish humor - The Lord Hays favoret
- The Spirit of Gambo - The Lord Dewys favoret
- The Pashion for Musicke - Sir Christopher Hattons choice
- The King of Denmarkes health
- The Hunting Song
Mehr Songtexte

- A humorous Pavin
- Captaine Humes Galliard
- My hope is decayed
- Captaine Humes Pavin
- Harke, harke
- A Souldiers Galliard
- The Spirit of Gambo
- A Pavin
- Touch me lightly
- Beccus an Hungarian Lord
- The Second part
- Love's farewell
- The Duke of Holstones Almaine
- Death
- Life
- A Question
- An Answere
- The new Cut
- A Souldiers Resolution
- Good againe
- Tinckeldum, Twinckeldum
- Deth
- Rossamond
- A French Ayre
- Loves Pastime
- Tickell, Tickell
- The Duke of Holstones Almayne
- Captain Humes Pavan
- I Am Melancholy
- Now I Come
- A Jigge
- Loves Farewell
- The Pashion for Musicke - Sir Chistopher Hattons choice
- Virgin's muse
- Tobacco, tobacco
- An Answer
- My mistress hath a pritty thing
- Involatura: The Passion of Music
- Involatura: Maske
- Involatura: Mistress Tittle's Jig
- Involatura: Sweet Music
- Fain Would I Change That Note
- A Mery Conceit: The Queens delight
- Pavann Captan Hume
- Musique élisabéthaine: Sordier's Resolution
- The First Part of Ayres: Love’s Farewell
- The First Part of Ayres: Captaine Humes Pavan
- The First Part of Ayres: The Spirit of Gambo
- Tough le lightly
- Tobacco
- Tom And Mistresse Fine
- Hit It In The Middle
- A Pollish Ayre