Blood of the Holy, Taint Thy Steel
Coronation of the Supreme Beast
- Blackmoon Arise!!
- Sermon of the Witches Crepuscular, Under the Auspice of His Most Foul Host (Bestialis Convocatio)
- For He Who Reserves His Veins for the Abomination That Approaches
- The Great Procession (Bellowing Promulgation of Demonical Mephistophelean Scourge)
- Anointed by Typhon. To Harness the Storms of Mars.
- Blessed by the Radiant Crown of Mysterion Babalon (Adorned in Entrails of Scarlet Purpura)
- Slaughtered Death, Mutilated Remains (The Hexvore Approaches)
- Coronatio Supremae Bestiae
Death Is the Crown of All (Compilation)
- Blood of the Holy Taint Thy Steel...
- Master of the Bloodfury
- Desecration and Blasfemia
- Venemous Words of the Crucifix
- The Dacian Empire
- Under the Horns of Crescent Moon
- Seven Are They (The Spawn of Nabu)
- Lucifer's Hammer
- We Bear the Mark of the Beast
- Obsidian Heart
- Damned, Doomed & Pride in the Fire
- Deceased Divinity (Pious Pulpit Burnt to Ashes)
- Deathlust
- Baphobanner (Flag of Horror)
- Thorns of Black Spawned From the Altars of Northrav
- Blood Spilled Upon Thrones of Absu
- From the Jakals Womb
- I, the Great Incinerator of Deceased Jerusalem
- My Altar Shall Be Your Grave
- Divus de Mortuus (Necrovore cover)
- Hail Sathanas (Beherit cover)