
Geboren am 30. Januar 1505, Gestorben am 23. November 1585

Mehr Songtexte

  1. Magnificat
  2. Nunc Dimittis
  3. Sancte Deus
  4. Conditor: Kyrie
  5. Mass for four voices: Gloria
  6. Mass for four voices: Credo
  7. Mass for four voices: Sanctus
  8. Mass for four voices: Benedictus
  9. Mass for four voices: Agnus Dei
  10. Remember not, O Lord God
  11. Hear the voice and prayer
  12. If ye love me
  13. A new commandment
  14. Benedictus
  15. Te Deum for meanes
  16. Spem in alium
  17. In manus tuas
  18. In ieiunio et fletu
  19. Te lucis ante terminum I
  20. Te lucis ante terminum II
  21. Ecce tempus idoneum
  22. Veni Redemptor gentium
  23. O nata lux de lumine
  24. Salvator mundi
  25. Derelinquat impius
  26. Vidente miraculum
  27. Organ Lesson
  28. Lamentatio Ieremiae I
  29. Lamentatio Ieremiae II
  30. Te Deum
  31. Iam lucis orto sidere
  32. Clarifica me, pater
  33. Fantasy
  34. Audivi vocem
  35. Dum transisset sabbatum
  36. Honor, virtus et potestas
  37. Loquebantur variis linguis
  38. Audivi vocem de coelo
  39. Candidi facti sunt
  40. Honor virtus et potestas
  41. Homo quidam fecit coenam
  42. Te lucis ante terminum (Ferial)
  43. Te lucis ante terminum (Festal)
  44. Natus est nobis hodie
  45. Veni redemptor genitum
  46. Jam lucis orto sidere
  47. Ex more docti mistico
  48. Magnificat & Clarifica me pater (I)
  49. Clarifica me pater (II)
  50. Clarifica me pater (III)
  51. Gloria tibi Trinitas
  52. Iste confessor
  53. Alleluia: Per te Dei genitrix
  54. Felix namque (II)
  55. Spem in alium (40-voice Motet)
  56. Salve intemerata (Motet)
  57. Missa Salve intemerata: Gloria
  58. Missa Salve intemerata: Credo
  59. Missa Salve intemerata: Sanctus
  60. Missa Salve intemerata: Agnus Dei
  61. With all our heart
  62. Discomfort them, O Lord
  63. I call and cry to thee, O Lord
  64. O sacrum convivium
  65. Videte miraculum
  66. Te lucis ante terminum
  67. In manus tuas Domine
  68. Mass for Four Voices: I. Gloria
  69. Mass for Four Voices: II. Credo
  70. Mass for Four Voices: III. Sanctus
  71. Mass for Four Voices: IV. Benedictus
  72. Mass for Four Voices: V. Agnus Dei
  73. Hodie nobis caelorum
  74. Quod chorus vatum
  75. In pace in idipsum
  76. Jesu salvator saeculi
  77. Sermone blando
  78. Jam Christus astra ascenderat
  79. Gaude Gloriosa Dei Mater
  80. Te Lucis Ante Terminum (Procul Recedent Somnia)
  81. Miserere Nostri
  82. Salvator Mundi I
  83. Lamentations of Jeremiah I
  84. Salvator Mundi II
  85. Suscipe, Quaeso Domine
  86. O Nata Lux
  87. In jejunio et fletu
  88. Lamentations of Jeremiah II
  89. The Lamentations of Jeremiah - Incipit lamentatione
  90. The Lamentations of Jeremiah - De lamentatione
  91. Mass for four voices - Gloria
  92. Mass for four voices - Credo
  93. Mass for four voices - Sanctus
  94. Mass for four voices - Benedictus
  95. Mass for four voices - Agnus Dei
  96. Absterge Domine
  97. O salutaris hostia
  98. Salvator mundi (I)
  99. Salvator mundi (II)
  100. Lamentations of Jeremiah (I)
  101. Lamentations of Jeremiah (II)
  102. Beati immaculati
  103. Introit: Puer natus est nobis
  104. Kyrie: Deus creator
  105. Missa Puer natus est nobis: Gloria
  106. Gradual: Viderunt omnes
  107. Alleluia: Dies sanctificatus
  108. Sequence: Celeste organum
  109. Missa Puer natus est nobis: Sanctus
  110. Missa Puer natus est nobis Benedictus
  111. Missa Puer natus est nobis: Agnus Dei
  112. Communion: Viderunt omnes
  113. Suscipe quaeso
  114. Gaude gloriosa
  115. Homo quidam
  116. Hodie nobis
  117. In pace, in idipsum
  118. Premiere Lecon
  119. Deuxieme Lecon
  120. Salvator mundi Domine
  121. Deus tuorum militum
  122. Sermone blando angelus
  123. Iam Christus astra ascenderat
  124. Spem in alium, P. 299
  125. Sancte Deus, P. 98
  126. Salvator mundi I, P. 216
  127. Salvator mundi II, P. 219
  128. Gaude gloriosa Dei mater, P. 123
  129. Miserere nostri, P. 207
  130. Loquebantur variis linguis, P. 272
  131. O Lord, give thy Holy Spirit
  132. Purge me, O Lord
  133. Verily, verily I say unto you
  134. Psalm Tunes for Archbishop Parker's Psalter
  135. O Lord, in thee is all my trust
  136. Christ rising again (attrib. William Byrd)
  137. Blessed are the those that be undefiled
  138. Lamentations of Jeremiah I, P. 102
  139. Lamentations of Jeremiah II, P. 110
  140. Absterge Domine, P. 180
  141. O sacrum convivium, P. 210
  142. In manus tuus, P. 202
  143. Salve intemerata virgo, P. 144
  144. Magnificat à 4, P. 64
  145. Ave, Dei patris filia, P. 162
  146. Mihi autem nimis
  147. Derelinguat impius
  148. Suscipe quaeso Domine
  149. Ave Dei patris filia
  150. Ave rosa sine spinis
  151. Alleluia: Ora pro nobis
  152. Euge celi porta
  153. Kyrie Deus creator
  154. Mass Salve Intemerata: Gloria
  155. Mass Salve Intemerata: Credo
  156. Mass Salve Intemerata: Sanctus & Benedictus
  157. Mass Salve Intemerata: Agnus Dei
  158. Salve intemerata
  159. Interview with the King's Singers
  160. Miserere nostri, Domine
  161. Spem in alium "Sing And Glorify", P. 299 (arr. Kronos Quartet)
  162. Antiphon: Salve intemerata
  163. Missa Puer natus est nobis: Audivi vocem
  164. Eighth Tune for Acrchbishop Parker's Psalter ("Tallis' Canon")
  165. Third Tune for Archbishop Parker's Psalter ("Why fum'th in sight")
  166. Fond youth is a bubble
  167. When shall my sorrowful sighing slake
  168. The Lamentations - First Set
  169. Derelinquat impus
  170. Derelinquit impius
  171. In nomine
  172. Missa Puer natus est nobis: Magnificat (4vv)
  173. Missa Puer natus est nobis: Ave Dei patris filia
  174. The Lamentations - Second Set
  175. A solfing song
  176. Missa Puer natus est nobis: Sanctus & Benedictus
  177. Like as the doleful dove
  178. Magnificat et Nunc Dimittis
  179. Salvator mundi, salva nos
  180. Absterge, Domine
  181. Salvator mundi (I) (also set as "Arise O Lord" and "With all our hearts"), motet for 5 voices, P. 216
  182. Mass, for 4 voices, P. 31, III. Sanctus
  183. Sancte Deus, motet (antiphon) for 4 voices, P. 98
  184. Mass, for 4 voices, P. 31, I. Gloria
  185. O sacrum convivium (also set as "I call and cry to thee" and "O sacred and holy banquet"), motet for 5 voices, P. 210
  186. Mass, for 4 voices, P. 31, V. Agnus Dei
  187. Mass, for 4 voices, P. 31, II. Credo
  188. Audivi vocem, motet for 4 voices, P. 90
  189. Te lucis ante terminum (Procul recedant somnia) (I), motet for 5 voices, P. 214
  190. Mass, for 4 voices, P. 31, IV. Benedictus
  191. Loquebantur variis linguis, motet for 7 voices, P. 272
  192. The Lamentations of Jeremiah (I)
  193. In manus tuas, Domine
  194. In manus tuas, motet for 5 voices, P. 202
  195. Videte miraculum, motet for 6 voices, P. 293
  196. The Lamentations of Jeremiah (II)
  197. Missa Salve intemerata: III. Sanctus
  198. Fantasy in A minor
  199. Missa Salve intemerata: II. Credo
  200. Missa Salve intemerata: IV. Benedictus
  201. Missa Salve intemerata: I. Gloria
  202. Votive antiphon: Ave rosa sine spinis
  203. Votive antiphon: Salve intemerata
  204. Missa Salve intemerata: V. Agnus Dei
  205. Christ rising again
  206. Wherewith Shall a Young Man
  207. Tunes for Archbishop Parker's Psalter
  208. Commandments
  209. Preces (1st Set)
  210. Salvator Mundi (Trio)
  211. Blessed Be Thy Name
  212. Offertory Sentence
  213. Salvator Mundi (II) for 5 voices
  214. I Call and Cry to Thee
  215. Lesson: Two Partes in One
  216. Responses and Collects for Easter Matins
  217. O Praise the Lord II
  218. Why Brag'st in Malice High
  219. Felix Namque
  220. Magnificat a5
  221. Laudate Dominum
  222. In iejunio et fletu
  223. Venite
  224. Agnus Dei
  225. O Ye Tender Babes
  226. My Soul Cleaveth to the Dust
  227. Miserere Nostri for 7 voices
  228. O Do Well Unto Thy Servant
  229. Sancte Deus for 4 voices
  230. Preces (2nd Set)
  231. Gloria
  232. Litany
  233. In ieiunio et fletu (Low)
  234. Wipe Away My Sins
  235. Discomfort Them O Lord
  236. Sing and Glorify Heaven's High Majesty
  237. Out from the deep
  238. Felix Namque II
  239. Per Haec Nos
  240. Loquebantur Variis Linguis for 7 voices
  241. Expend, O Lord, My Plaint
  242. Forgive Me, Lord, My Sin
  243. Blessed are those that be undefiled
  244. Ye Sacred Muses
  245. Let God Arise in Majesty
  246. Miserere
  247. Why Fum'th in Fight
  248. Arise, O Lord, and Hear
  249. Responses and Collects for Christmas Eve Evensong
  250. In Nomine I
  251. Gaude Gloriosa Dei Mater for 6 voices
  252. Spem in Alium, motet for 40 voices
  253. Felix Namque I
  254. With All Our Hearts
  255. Nunc dimittis a5
  256. Man Blest No Doubt
  257. In Nomine II
  258. In ieiunio et fletu (High)
  259. E'en Like the Hunted Hind
  260. Tu Nimirum
  261. Christ Rising Again From the Dead
  262. Verset II
  263. Domine, quis habitabit
  264. Lamentations I
  265. A Point
  266. O Sacred and Holy Banquet
  267. Lamentations II
  268. Fantasia
  269. Credo
  270. When Jesus Went Into Simon the Pharisee's House
  271. Sanctus
  272. "If ye love me"
  273. Salvatore Mundi II
  274. God Grant With Grace
  275. O Come in One to Praise the Lord
  276. When Shall My Sorrowful Sighing Slack
  277. Verset I
  278. Salvator Mundi (I) for 5 voices
  279. Ordinal
  280. Nine Tunes from Archbishop Parker's Psalter: Sixth Tune: Expend, O Lord, My Plaint of Word
  281. Nine Tunes from Archbishop Parker's Psalter: Third Tune: Why Fum'th in Fight
  282. Nine Tunes from Archbishop Parker's Psalter: Fourth Tune: O Come in One to Praise the Lord
  283. Nine Tunes from Archbishop Parker's Psalter: First Tune: Man Blest No Doubt
  284. Nine Tunes from Archbishop Parker's Psalter: Eighth Tune: God Grant with Grace
  285. Lamentations of Jeremiah (I): Incipit lamentatio
  286. Lamentations of Jeremiah (I): Beth
  287. Lamentations of Jeremiah (I): Aleph
  288. Lamentations of Jeremiah (I): Ierusalem
  289. Lamentations of Jeremiah (II): Heth
  290. Te Lucis Ante Terminum (II)
  291. Lamentations of Jeremiah (II): Ierusalem
  292. Lamentations of Jeremiah No. 1: "Incipit"
  293. Lamentations of Jeremiah (II): Ghimel
  294. Lamentations of Jeremiah No. 1: "Aleph"
  295. Lamentations of Jeremiah No. 1: "Beth"
  296. Lamentations of Jeremiah No. 1: "Ierusalem"
  297. Lamentations of Jeremiah (II): De lamentatione
  298. Te lucis ante terminum (I)
  299. Lamentations of Jeremiah (II): Daleth
  300. Spem in alium à 40
  301. The Lamentations of Jeremiah: Pars I, Incipit lamentatio
  302. The Lamentations of Jeremiah: Pars I, Beth
  303. The Lamentations of Jeremiah: Pars I, Aleph
  304. The Lamentations of Jeremiah: Pars II, Ghimel
  305. The Lamentations of Jeremiah: Pars II, Heth
  306. The Lamentations of Jeremiah: Pars II, De lamentatione
  307. The Lamentations of Jeremiah: Pars II, Daleth
  308. A Solfaing Song for 5 viols
  309. In nomine (II) for 4 viols
  310. In nomine (I) for 4 viols
  311. Libera nos salva nos for 5 viols
  312. Fantasy for keyboard
  313. Dare to Call It Good
  314. Gaudi gloriosa Dei mater
  315. Candidi facti sunt Nazarei
  316. God grant we grace (Canon)
  317. Hodie nobis celorum rex
  318. Solfaing Song
  319. The Town Lay Hushed
  320. Spem in alium nunquam habui
  321. Glory to Thee, My God, This Night
  322. Latin motets: In jejunio et fletu
  323. English motets: Verily, verily
  324. English motets: If ye love me O Lord, give thy holy spirit
  325. Latin motets: O nata lux
  326. Latin motets: Audivi vocem
  327. Latin motets: Sancte Deus
  328. English motets: O lord, give thy holy spirit
  329. English motets: Hear the voice and prayer
  330. English motets: Remember not
  331. Hieremiae prophetae lamentationes: Lamentatio Secunda
  332. Latin motets: O sacrum convivium
  333. Hieremiae prophetae lamentationes: Lamentatio Prima
  334. Latin motets: Salvator mundi
  335. Agnus Dei (Missa Puer natus est)
  336. Gloria (Missa Puer natus est)
  337. Sanctus & Benedictus (Missa Puer natus est)
  338. O nata lux de lumine (arr. for brass quintet)
  339. Mass for 4 Voices: Benedictus
  340. Mass for 4 Voices: Gloria
  341. Mass for 4 Voices: Agnus Dei
  342. Mass for 4 Voices: Credo
  343. Mass for 4 Voices: Sanctus
  344. My Lady Carey's Dompe (Anon) / O Ye Tender Babes
  345. Loquebantur
  346. Missa Puer natus est: Videte miraculum
  347. Missa Puer natus est: Agnus dei
  348. Missa Puer natus est: Sanctus & Benedictus
  349. Missa Puer natus est: Gloria
  350. Plainsong antiphon: Ave regina caelorum
  351. Plainsong antiphon: Regina caeli
  352. Plainsong communion: Beata viscera
  353. Kyrie fons bonitatis
  354. Plainsong antiphon: Nesciens mater
  355. Plainsong gradual: Propter veritatem
  356. Plainsong antiphon: Beata Dei genitrix
  357. Thou Wast, O God, and Thou Wast Blest
  358. O God, the Father of Heaven
  359. Psalm Tunes: God Grant with Grace
  360. Magnificat (Short Service in the Dorian Mode)
  361. Nunc Dimittis (Short Service in the Dorian Mode)
  362. The Lamentations of Jeremiah, Part II
  363. The Lamentations of Jeremiah, Part I
  364. Gloria From Missa Puer Natus Est Nobis
  365. Lamentations of Jeremiah II: De lamentatione Jeremiae
  366. Lamentations of Jeremiah I: Aleph
  367. Lamentations of Jeremiah I: Beth
  368. Lamentations of Jeremiah I: Incipit
  369. Lamentations of Jeremiah II: Ghimel
  370. Lamentations of Jeremiah II: Heth
  371. Lamentations of Jeremiah II: Daleth
  372. If Ye Love Me, Keep My Commandments


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