Thomas Campion Songtexte
My Sweetest Lesbia, Let Us Live and Love
Geboren am 12. Februar 1567, Gestorben am 01. März 1620
Lute Songs
- Come Let Us Sound with Melodie the Praises
- Tune Thy Musicke to Thy Hart
- Come You Pretty False-Ey'd Wanton
- There Is None, O None but You
- Sweet Exclude Me Not nor Be Divided
- I Care Not for These Ladies
- Though You Are Yoong and I Am Olde
- Fire, Fire, Fire, Fire Loe Here I Burne
What Then Is Love but Mourning?
(von Philip Rosseter)
- Shall I Come Sweet Love to Thee?
- Beauty Since You So Much Desire
- What Is It That All Men Possesse, Among Themselves Conversing?
- The Sypres Curten of the Night Is Spread
- Jacke and Jone They Thinke No Ill
- It Fell on a Sommers Daie
- When to Her Lute Corrina Sings
- My Sweetest Lesbia, Let Us Live and Love
- Her Rosie Cheekes, Her Ever Smiling Eyes
- Faire If You Expect Admiring
- There Is a Garden in Her Face
- Author of Light, Revive My Dying Spright
- Never Weather-Beaten Saile More Willing Bent to Shore
- Most Sweet and Pleasing Are Thy Wayes O God
- To Musicke Bent Is My Retyred Minde
- Thou Joy'st Fond Boy, to Be by Many Loved
- Turne All Thy Thoughts to Eyes
- Vayle Love Mine Eyes, O Hide from Me
- Miserere My Maker
Mehr Songtexte

- Song for Voice, Lute & Bass Viol "Never Weather-Beaten Saile"
- Song for Voice, Lute & Bass Viol "The Sypres Curten of the Night"
- When to Her Lute
- Come Let Us Sound
- Courante "I Care Not for These Ladies"
- Never Weather-Beaten Sail
- Jack and Jone
- Beaten Sail
- A Secret Love
- My Sweetest Lesbia
- My Love Hath Vow'd
- Fair, If You Expect Admiring
- Jack and Joan
- If Thou Long'st So Much to Learn
- Faine Would I Wed a Faire Young Man
- Never Love Unlesse You Can
- Oft Have I Sigh'd for Him That Heares Me Not
- When to Her Lute Corinna Sings
- It Fell on a Summer's Day for Voice, Lute and Bass Viol
- It fell on a summer's day
- Shall I come, sweet love?
- What If a Day
- Beauty, Since You So Much Desire
- Author of light
- Never weather beaten sail
- “Never Weather‐Beaten Sail”
- Fain Would I Wed
- My love hath vow'd - Andreas Martin, luth
- I care not for these Ladies - Andreas Martin, luth
- My sweetest Lesbia - Andreas Martin, luth