Music for Theatre
- The Little Prince: B-612
- The Little Prince: Intro
- The Little Prince: Rose Too
- The Little Prince: Intermezzo
- The Little Prince: Snakebite (short)
- The Little Prince: Snake Eats Elephant
- The Little Prince: Sunset
- The Little Prince: The Charm
- 1984: Culpability
- 1984: Intro No. 1
- 1984: Into Rm. 101
- Murder of Crows: Eating Crow Roughly
- Murder of Crows: Paper, Scissors, Rock.
- Let It Go
- To Kill a Mockingbird: Incidentals
- To Kill a Mockingbird: Full Intro
- To Kill a Mockingbird: Meanderings of a Madman
- Elizabeth Rex: Medeaen Danse
- How the Day Runs Down: The Dead of the Night
- How the Day Runs Down: In Darkened Corners
- How the Day Runs Down: Blackened Hopes
- How the Day Runs Down: Trepidatious Guests
- An Occurrence in Nonlinear Space
- Richard III: Foundations
- HM Merry Merry
- Pirate Wedding March