The Tangent Songtexte
The Sad Story of Lead and Astatine
Promises Were Made
Gründung 2003
Sam Baine
Zoltan Csörsz
Krister Jonsson
Tony Latham
Luke Machin
Guy Manning
Jonas Reingold
Jaime Salazar
Roine Stolt
Andy Tillison
Theo Travis
The Music That Died Alone
- In Darkest Dreams: Prelude – Time for You
- In Darkest Dreams: Night Terrors
- In Darkest Dreams: The Midnight Watershed
- In Darkest Dreams: In Dark Dreams
- In Darkest Dreams: The Half‐Light Watershed
- In Darkest Dreams: On Returning
- In Darkest Dreams: A Sax in the Dark
- In Darkest Dreams: Night Terrors (reprise)
- The Canterbury Sequence: Cantermemorabilia
- The Canterbury Sequence: Chaos at the Greasy Spoon
- The Canterbury Sequence: Captain Manning’s Mandolin
- Up‐Hill From Here
- The Music That Died Alone: A Serenade
- The Music That Died Alone: Playing On…
- The Music That Died Alone: Pre‐History
- The Music That Died Alone: Reprise
A Place in the Queue
Not as Good as the Book
A Crisis in Mid‐Life
- A Crisis in Mid‐Life
- Lost in London (25 Years Later)
- The Ethernet
- Celebrity Purée
- Not as Good as the Book
- A Sale of Two Souls
- Bat out of Basildon