The Pax Cecilia Songtexte
The Progress
Gründung 2002
Greg Austin
John Feustel
Daniel James
Slade Lellock
Kent Fairman Wilson
Blessed Are the Bonds
Mythos Fragments / Pax Ephemera
- Mythos Introduction, Vulture and Void
- Chapter Three
- Ariadne on Naxos
- In Six Brief Movements
- Fragment: The Long Walk (Mythos)
- Fragment: From the World Tree Hangs (Mythos)
- Fragment: Hierophant Jam (Mythos)
- Fragment: Atelis and Apurna (Mythos)
- Fragment: Glory to the Bones, the Essence
- Fragment: Headglow Jam
- Fragment: Spoonfed Jam
- Fragment: Detuned Jam
- Fragment: Dogspeed Jam
- Fragment: Cold Sun
- Fragment: Slow Majesty
- Empathy
- Opening Monologue
- Act 1, Scene I: Beneath Every Powerline There Is Still a Graveyard
- Act 1, Scene II: An Aurora: The Crux Candide
- Act 1, Scene III: MDCCLXXV
- Act 2, Scene I: Fluorescence A.D. 1429: Burning the Body of Joan of Arc, or “Cupid”
- Act 2, Scene II: Phosphorescence A.D. 79: Burying the City of Pompeii, or “Psyche”
- Act 3, Scene I: England: Theatre of the Air
- Act 3, Scene II: A Dénouement
Mehr Songtexte

- Beneath Every Powerline There Is Still a Graveyard
- An Aurora: The Crux Candide
- Fluorescence A.D. 1429: Burning the Body of Joan of Arc, or "Cupid"
- Phosphorescence A.D. 79: Buring the City of Pompeii, or "Psyche"
- England: Theatre of the Air
- A Dénouement
- Phosphorescence A.D. 79: Burying the City of Pompeii, or "Psyche"