Pulp Beating 1984 and All That (Compilation)
Songs of Love and Fury
- Big Fun Tonight
- Kennedy '63
- Postdetergent Vacuum Cleaner Man
- Day My Universe Changed
- Bang!
- Snaffleflatch
- The Murder of Sister George
- Spaceships
- 1986
- Thank Heavens for the Iron Horse
- Sleazeball
- Phoney TV Repair Man
- The Elvis I Knew Was No Junkie
- Everyone's Going Triple Bad Acid, Yeah!
- Jaw Cracker Fuzz
The Best of The Membranes (Compilation)
- Ice Age
- Fashionable Junkies
- Muscles
- High St. Yanks
- Man From Moscow
- Kafka's Dad
- Spike Milligan's Tape Recorder
- Myths and Legends
- Shine on Pumpkin Moon
- I Am Fish Eye
- Mr. Charisma Brain
- Everything's Brilliant
- Kennedy '63
- Spaceships
- Everyone's Going Triple Bad Acid Yeah
- Time Warp 1991
- Love Your Puppy
- Electric Storm
- Tatty Seaside Town
- Voodoo Chile