The Mae Shi Songtexte
One Mississippi, Two Mississippi, Three Mississippi
Gründung 2002, Auflösung 2010
- Terrorbird
- Power to the Power, Bite 2
- Revelation Two
- Revelation Three
- Jubilee
- [untitled]
- Hieronymus Bosch Is a Dead Man
- Chop 2
- Takoma the Dolphin is AWOL
- Vampire Beats
- Surf's Up
- Bite 1, Bite 3
- Testify!
- Terrorbird
- Revelation Six
- One Mississippi, Two Mississippi, Three Mississippi
- Vampire Zoo
- Body 1, Bite 1
- Body 2
- Do This
- Hard Luck Built New England
- Megamouth II
- Revelation Four
- V. Beats
- Bite 4our
- Chop 1
- Virgin's Diet, the Hand of Wolves
- Jubilation
- RepetitioN
- Repetition
- RepetitioN
- Repetition!
- RepetitioN
Mehr Songtexte

- (no title)
- Lamb and the Lion
- R U Professional (4 Xtian)
- The Universal Polymath
- (Revelation) Party
- Run To The Facts
- Heartbeeps
- Born for a Short Time
- Boes
- The Meat of the Inquiry
- To Hit Armor Class Zero (Locked DJ Tool Edition)
- Raise Up the Judges (Go Dancing Again)
- Crimes of Infancy
- Eat the Prize
- Spoils of Injury
- You Can't Do that to An Axe!
- Lamb & Lion
- Summer in Gommorah
- Spoils of Victory
- Leech & Locust
- Toys In The Attic
- "Untitled"
- Dunber
- chant
- Lystrata
- Crimes[rehearsal]
- bblf
- PitsStones[rehearsal]
- CoreySolo2
- RevelationParty[reasonMix]
- Shitdance
- Fingers[vox]
- bblf5
- bblf6
- bblf7
- bblf8
- bblf9
- Bblf3
- Bblf4
- am_cube
- Bully
- bblf10
- bblf11
- EPCut
- CDRLim
- glt
- Drawin'
- fin1 [dietWars]
- Willis
- din2[dietWars]
- ReichSnap2
- fin3[DietWars]
- meat[rehearsal]
- Prodigy[earlyversion]
- omnirock2
- MemDay
- doit
- heckrlop
- TheBear[postlude]
- Rustin
- NewSongpractice
- Omnipawn
- ms.mod
- Overwrought
- postlude
- CoreySolo
- Theme [reprise]
- FCube
- CoreyBeat
- Zznice
- droone
- Cube2
- cube3
- Nonotno
- Megamouth[demo]
- Cshcrcrckff
- bblt11
- Boomboomboom
- blingblingbling
- Cube/Dudu
- degrd
- ezbeat1
- ezbeat2
- CoreyBeat[scream1]
- alar
- Ohomnimyomomni
- ReichSnap
- Yui
- coreyBeat3
- bosch[version]
- afterparty
- jam7
- jam8
- theme
- splitCut
- CoreyBeat[scream2]
- farf
- somethnelse
- ReichVibe
- Power2power
- C642
- dietwars
- meow[practice]
- sleep
- huio
- jam6
- jam4
- jam1
- leeds
- revPartyII[version]
- jam2
- No Age