Midnight Finger Painter
- The Half Hour Song
- Baby You've No Eyes
- Roasted Underbelly
- The Man Blue
- The Jagables
- Information in Formation
- A Swatch O' the Happenins
- Fire in My Fungus
- Liquid Kindling
- The Cosmic
- Rustle the Trees
- Hole in My Head
- Jeff Pearce
- Keep Your Hard Hat On
- She's a Little Angel
- Lizards on the Back Porch
- One Singer One Song
- Grow Up Grow a Beard
- The Housework Blues
- Disco Disco Disco Theque
- Whimsical Wednesdays
- Shiny Lights
- The Second Slice
- Walking Home
- Rubber Eyeballs
This Album Is Self Titled
- Fictional
- Foam
- Battery Powered Radio
- Brain Slippers
- Broke in Two
- Lights and Stars and Shit
- Mr Pistachio
- Munky Nutz
- Plan C
- Alfred
- Carnivale
- Prove Me Wrong
- Sing Soprano
- Smokin' Whiskey
- Socks
- Troia
- Wrinsh Bhlue
- Cooking Algorithms
- Clerical Nightmare
- Best Before End
- Can't Find the Time
- Something Beginning With F
- Zooneba
- Tiny Shocks
- Solo Only
- Natural Progression
- Fan Banjo
- Marinade
- Hodl-oh-ee-dee
- Festivale
- Fix a Drink
- Dual Carriageway
- Papa's New Boots
- Walking Into Lamp Posts
- Moon Surfing
- Busy Busy
- Dynamic Michael Phone
- Dragon Fly Hi Five
- Glowstick Girl
- Flap Your Wings
- Sell-You-Lyte Soon-A-Me
- The Froot
- Very First Taste
- Charlie, the World's Greatest Baby Actor
- Combattano
- Cash
- Robots in Your Eyes
- Dee Lee Oh
- Melodi-can't
- Tiny Little Hands
Mehr Songtexte

- Infomation In Formation
- Crappy Christmas Song
- Santa's Dead
- Bubbles on a Leopard
- Mushroom
- Jose
- Semi-Circular Movements
- This Beard
- Livin' on Top of a Caravan
- Aluminium Foil
- Sandwiches on Concrete / Rub in a Tub
- The Dog Did It (Based on True Events)
- Voices in the Wind
- Silver Bag
- Tag-A-Long
- Dance-Off Honeybear
- Half Eaten