A roda do tempo
- Pastores do oceano imenso
- Para lá do rio do esquecimento
- As ruínas sob o sol do fim de verão
- As Três Moiras Encantadas
- Divertimento do mar
- Ribeiras sem nome
- A criança quase abandonada
- Ao Sol
- Canção de Amergin
- Aldeias de basalto
- A borboleta voando no vazio
- Águas agitadas passando entre as mãos
- Nascido da lava mal fria
- As mangas do meu vestido primaveril
- Valsa do trigo queimado
- Ilha ao longe
Emptiness Is a Long Story ~ The First 12 Years Revisited
My Work Is Done, Part I: Times of Experience (Compilation)
- November
- No cambiarás lo que no puedes cambiar
- Song of Quiet
- Interlude From the Garden of Delights
- El gran día al fin llegó
- Beyond the Scenery
- Lavanda, leite e mirra
- once the dreamer began to dream of common reality
- A Song to The Sun
- The Troubadour and His Lady in the Woods
- Boneca de olhos verdadeiros
- Dream Within a Dream
- Waltz From Erased Days
- Ballerina
- All the Pretty Little Horses 2
- The Flow
- as childs do
- as long as there is beauty
- like leaves falling from the trees
- interlude from hell
- silent night
- the joy of nature
- A Song to The Sun (First version)
- Song of Quiet (1st version)
- Waltz From Erased Days (1st version)
- as long as there is beauty (1st version)
- like leaves falling from the trees (First version)
- Nuvens cheias de fadas
- All the Pretty Little Horses I
- Canção do desassossego
- La noche interminable
- A evasão das fadas
- Inspirando o teu nome
- O sono dos cegos
- Blood Red Bird
- A outra margem do rio
- Canção da experiência
- Die Liebe ist ein Traum
- Nobody's Fault but Mine
- Song of Innocence
- Für das kleine Mädchen von meinen Träumen
- Am I a Butterfly?
- Auguries of Innocence
- The Show Is Over
- Nobody's Fault but JJ's
- The Spiral of Seasons
- The Rain
- Auguries of Innocence (1st version)
- Folia de Primavera