The First 100 Songs (Compilation)
- cis six sic
- train wreck
- selfish and arrogant
- i pray to you, dog
- unsympathetic
- rape whistle pt. ii
- donation to the deaf (jenny piccolo)
- humyn right
- burned down/pissed on
- kuato lives
- untitled
- untitled
- untitled
- untitled
- untitled
- untitled
- untitled
- untitled
- untitled
- untitled
- book burnt black
- dead pigs
- forever queer
- birth name
- generations of vomit
- get 'em fixed
- 1,000 foot tall sissy bounce
- endless payment for fucked
- burger paws tomo
- taking care opiparo business
- no gender/just friends
- bottom power
- kill cops
- glitterfucked
- we've all been demonized part ii
- armpits and assholes
- train wreck pt. ii
- other meanings for the word 'no'
- bong water
- kill the litter pig
- good dead humans
- dance therapy
- invisible shit
- essence (asterisk)
- pick up real change (xbrainiax)
- killed by school (scholastic deth)
- bobby's jackpot jamboree (spazz)
- letter to the president (bureaucratic dysentery)
- the political structure is not what it seems... (nasum)
- wrist still raw (iron lung)
- we love choco-pa (melt banana)
- disrespect your elders (weekend nachos)
- outside in (his hero is gone)
- ulcer (crossed out)
- fuck christmas (hummingbird of death)
- drinking with friends (hellnation)
- life (no comment)
- holy of holies (ottawa)
- getcha pull
- blind as god
- no sound guy
- justifiable reasons to murder
- demonized and fucked
- fucking stoned
- who starts smoking weed at 30?
- new years puke party
- chipquirrel
- god food/god shit
- seven days with donkey
- summer of hedonism
- autumn of sodom
- you had me at 'woof'
- moon jizz in the dark room
- mar'grrrr'itaville
- we lost our car parts i & ii
- the best part of gaygaytion
- my ears are totally fucked
- gay magic
- ms anthrope if you're nasty
- dead seeds
- blastbeatphemy
- no fucks given
- dead pigs part ii
- pink heels
- amber vapor (water torture)
- keep grindin'
- unleash (his hero is gone)
- paranoia secured (his hero is gone)
- larngenest 5ixsth mernots evies
- drums like machined buns
- vulgar display of panda bear
- satans gay baby, thank dog
- smoke dope/smoke cops
- trans parent
- panda bear will live forever
- fucked and forlorne forever
- fuck the pigs part ii
- blastbeatphemy part ii
The Second 100 Songs (Compilation)
- no comment.
- fuck it.
- s.d.t.m.
- fuck the pigs.
- nasty candy.
- fucked and forlorn forever pt. ii
- we are.
- nazipope.
- fuck the pigs pt. iii
- drag drug dealing brothel.
- mandatory consent.
- breed.
- endless nameless.
- generations of vomit pt ii (puking up capitalism).
- fuck everything.
- we hate people.
- ina/grope/riate.
- living pope pyre (immolation of molestation).
- dead seeds part ii
- a very long list of men to murder.
- skullz n' shit.
- amputated littered hand.
- bong water torture.
- shit smeared synapse.
- mainline the redline (lethal injection for greedy racist fucks).
- twenty-five cent sidewalk legal abortion machines.
- the pronoun game.
- unlearning everything.
- vaticult.
- your ethics ain't shit.
- bros is pigs. grind the bros.
- fall back into your grave.
- kill the bro in your head.
- no new friends.
- you're dead. no regrets.
- get fucking bent or dead bros for a safe space.
- kills homophobe kill pigs kill self or my rules for prison.
- three hundred seconds alone or twenty second apology.
- black leather studded glove or a song inspired by sadie.
- ur dead or we will kill you before you kill us.
- killed by fast (fuck on the beach)
- 412 wolfpack (charles bronson)
- dystopia pt. ii (discordance axis)
- cru jones (get rad)
- billy milano's head (spazz)
- head loose, head bang (hercules)
- lockedown (loaded for bear)
- rens (nasum)
- pizza boy (go!)
you suffer (napalm death)
- refuse (sidetracked)
- esa-n-dem (water torture)
- variraptor pt. 2 (slam wedgehouse)
- branded (brutal truth)
- all bad ideas (cocaine breath)
- where's the fucking lyric sheet (guyana punch line)
- severe battery (jenny piccolo)
- what the fuck!? (ümlaut)
- the decapitation of cattle (cattle decapitation)
- jello biafra (yacøpsæ)
- x grindcore song x (jud jud)
- fuck the kids 2 (nofx)
- false grind alienation (insect warfare)
- distortion of reason (sore throat)
- antichristmas // happy holigays
- we prayed to the dark lord dog.
- without sympathy.
- two steps for putin.
- children are the no future.
- 23:15 3.19.14
- october 1st, 1979 (bad canoes - doggie bone)
- october 2nd, 1993 (bad energy - dead magic)
- october 3rd, 1953 (body betrayal - my gender is queer)
- october 4th, 1970 (closet burner - gay majority)
- october 5th, 2011 (born against - nail that sticks up gets hammered down)
- october 6th, 1989 (canine - round and round)
- october 7th, 1849 (curmudgeon - worthless generation)
- october 8th, 1983 (dick binge - ending up like you)
- october 9th, 2002 (eekum seekum - brutality)
- october 10th, 1929 (fruit punch - dedication)
- october 11th, 1965 (fucking dyke bitches - boys will be boys)
- october 12th, 1997 (permanent ruin - bill unpaid)
- october 13th, 1974 (god is my co-pilot - in too deep//rubber or leather)
- october 14th, 1977 (hysterics - dow jones)
- october 15th, 1917 (inertia - the masculine insecurity)
- october 16th, 1793 (kid dynamite - scarysmurf)
- october 17th, 1910 (manhunt - prescribe)
- october 18th, 1893 (melt banana - t for tone)
- october 19th, 1979 (mukilteo fairies - ripped out)
- october 20th, 1936 (nancy smith - insecure oppression)
- october 21st, 1985 (necklacing - criminal)
- october 22nd, 1996 (pansy division - political asshole)
- october 23rd, 1978 (pyka - no jerks. ever)
- october 24th, 2005 (rash tongue - their nightmare)
- october 25th, 2004 (sorrows - don’t bring me down)
- october 26th, 1902 (swallowing shit - lyrics that may offend the honkys)
- october 27th, 1941 (system of a down - 36)
- october 28th, 2003 (tribe 8 - castration song #22)
- october 29th, 1971 (no comply - dick cop)
- october 30th, 2007 (youth of togay - yo! our edge is gay)
- october 31st, 1993 (shady hawkins - yr time is up)
Friends. Lovers. Favorites.
- wake up tomorrow
- Last Acrylic Nail in the Coffin
- Invisible
- 1994
- What Is Love Without Purpose
- Hard to Get
- Pedazos
- Y’all Are Gorgeous
- I’m Tired
- Friends. Lovers. Favorites.
- It’s OK to Be Sad
- It’s OK to Be Sick
- Women in Hordes
- Still Can’t Kill Us
- Demagogues
- Assigned Cop at Birth
- Always Surviving
- Harmful Intent
- Looking for a Fight
- Outnumbered
- NØT FØR YØU (remixed by Moor Mother)
- YØU CAN’T KILL US (remixed by Kilbourne)
- A PRØMISE / T.D.Ø.V. (remixed by Jenny Pop)
- TRANS WØMAN DIES ØF ØLD AGE (remixed by Estoc)
- MURDERED BY A WØMAN (remixed by Lilium Kobayashi)