The Green Spy Songtexte
Caramella Rippers
Grambam & The Bombers
Jiko Music and the Gang
Merchants of the Grandiose Bazaar
The Riddle Schoolers
The Advertising Department

- Magic Hag's Prescription Shop
- Honey Bar
- The Indianapolis-Go's
- Unknown Jingle 2 has a Sparta Remix
- Unused Afroman Track
- I like ya Unknown Jingle 1 G
- Fluttershy is Saved
- Goomba Got Balls wait what do you mean that name is already taken by a rip on the blue album idk just name it like Goomba Got Testicles or something i am throughly entertained by the brown mushroom creature
- Red Sector Has A Massive Backkside oh good heavens im going to BURST at the sight of that thicc bo`oty